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About this glog

Cheap spacebucket enclosure, coir and 61 (actual watts) of cheap LEDs

Entries in this glog

F43 update: Learning to live with the borg - broad mite IPM grow

With Neoseiulus Californicus predatory mites, better air movement and humidity control and aspirin in the nutes, my Broad mite infection is mostly under control although yields, particularly from the Swazi Gold sativa landrace clones look like they're going to be poor.   http://https//imgur.com/a/7K650 for details or on my reddit growlog. I'll finish this grow and think seriously about next steps. I'm tempted to burn this lot and start again but I know that I'm at risk of reinfection with BM no



F28 update - Bag seed 1 scrog in 5L hempy and friends in smaller hempy buckets.

https://www.reddit.com/r/fubargrow/ has the latest update.   Main scrog is in a 5L hempy bucket - they really, really rock.   I'm also stoked by an experiment with half a dozen 2L milk containers as hempy buckets - cut off the top, drop in 2" perlite below a drain hole, backfill with prepared coco and transplant your clone. Volume is only about 1.5L total but I'm seeing very good growth.



Given up running a grow log here. Moved to reddit

In case anyone wants updates on this grow, I've moved the log to https://www.reddit.com/r/fubargrow/ for posterity.   Long story short: One male culled after 10 days of flowering. Strategic defoliation at about the same time - I really wish I'd done that much earlier.   Two girls left - one a very, very stretchy plant that has gone from 10" to about 23" and the other from about 9" to 18". Both still gaining about an inch a day at the start of the third week of flowering. Will need to replace t



42 days later with timed watering

Plants are now 49 days since sprouting and are in a small (160x60x60) hydromax tent with a 125mm Blauberg exhaust fan into a monster 6" Filteroo ready for the stink of flowering. They're already suspiciously dank when I open the tent and they had quickly outgrown my bucket and box spacebuckets. I'm using the box for veging my clones because I plan on flowering in the tent. Below is a group photo of the 3 bagseed girls and their clones. There are 4 daylight white globes and one warm white globe i



30 days later with clones - now in a small tent

My 3 bagseed plants are doing very nicely with my cheap combination of LED downlight and E27 globes surprisingly enough - despite comments suggesting they were crap - we'll see how they go when I flip.     Feeding now at 3/4 of the recommended strength from the canna coco website - 2.5ml/L of A and B, calmagic 1ml/L and acetic acid 0.75ml/L to bring the pH down to about 5.8   They've been transplanted into 4L fabric pots and I think that might be the size I flower them in.   I appear to have 2



8 days later

Here's this morning's happy snap - 8 days from the first entry photos showing first true leaves.   Seems odd that the three plants from the same bag have such different growth rates at this early stage - one runt and two bigger ones. The runty one had the jiffy pot sticking up out of the coco about 1cm so I added more coco to bring the level up yesterday. Currently watering only every few days because I'm waiting for the top of the coco to dry out to encourage big root growth - all pots have roo



6 days later

Still using low strength canna coco (0.5ml/L) with calmagic (1ml/L) now. Tap water here has an ec of 106 for a total ec is 540. Will soon be doubled to half strength. Here's some progress - seeing third set of leaves opening nicely although one plant is slower than the other two.     Seems like 61 actual watts of LED is enough to give reasonable growth and the "gas lamp" schedule does not appear to be harmful?  



Background, setup and first true leaves

Background: I'm a retired academic with a fondness for weed dating back to the first time I ever smoked - a chillum of ganja in southern India in 1969 (!) - fuck, I am old! I've been a lurker on this site for a year or two, reading and learning. - my last plants were from bush guerilla grows in Gippsland (vic) state forest in the 70's and I've been buying weed since. Now, I'm sick of being stuffed around on the darknet/craigslist and sick of the crap PGR treated hydro my local man seems to alway



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