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Innocent criminal


The mist maker in my CB's pot fucked up, got home to this... blogentry-15537-1232799261_thumb.jpg

water temp must have been about 45 or 50 degrees :sdj:


Flushed with cool nutes mix with cannazyme in it, hope she picks up again, otherwise have to fall back on the apical...




While there I finished off mounting the cooltube in the bunker, room is ready to go, just need to get some plants in there (get a system running to put em in first)


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OMFG sorry to here it mate. ^_-


Might i suggest you hang the cool tube right down low near ya rail system :bongon: ....i can give ya hand today if ya come n get mi ^_-


but if ya dont lower it, it would be wise to come grab the reflector for it so the panda above doesnt cop too much exposure :/


Just a thought lol



Anyway hope ya CB picks back up :/ ......but ya can always get another if it doesnt :sly:




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