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    Wantdachronic's Weed World

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  • Preferred Intake
    Waterpipe (Bong)
  • Cannabis Use
    Rec. & Medicinal
  • Medicinal Use
    Scoliosis, pinched nerves, joint pain and insomnia
  • Favourite Strain
    Merville Blueberry or Skunk #1
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Cannabis Cultivation

  • Fav. Lighting
    2x 600w HPS in flower, 2x 400w HPS in vege

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Grand Master Kush (14/14)

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  1. u obviously know what you're doin...can u give me some advice?

    Lot of good postings here and info, so I might just barge in....I started my outdoor grow early (SE Qld)and a couple of girls well and truly in bud, but now from the very top they're startin to shoot up, growth wise, like they are re-veging...is that possible? what will happen to the bud that is there? will they continu...

  2. you want IBL strains or to make your own which is alot easier than you might think. all you need is a proven plant, make seeds using it as a parent and then use each new generation of seeds to backcross to that original parent. do that enough times and you'll make seeds that grow like clones and breed true
  3. anti fungal sprays should do the job, but once mould is in the cloning chamber its impossible to remove unless you constantly use that anti fungal stuff when taking cuttings they'll probably go mouldy from now on so i would recommend spending $25 on a new humidity dome and using some antifungal spray as a preventative measure
  4. that was terrible to read it seemed like every time you made a good argument they shot it down with ignorance or simply saying you dont have the legal right to make your case in this court and we wont move you to one where you can facist bastards...i hope the court house burns down with all the judges inside
  5. what a deadset legend, no wonder the newspaper didnt publish it
  6. it was my bad, i didnt get around to sending him a PM telling him why it got deleted, but thats all good and even better because old mate logger_king brought a few things to my attention which needed fixing as well
  7. I'll save you years of screwing around, spending god knows how much money trying to grow pot with this very message if you follow the directions..... 1) bite the bullet and be willing to spend a fair amount to get growing. the more you invest initially the greater the return will be... 2) buy atleast a 400w hps or preferably a 600hps light kit. they are around $120-150 from pawn shops and you just need to replace the globe and you're good for lighting 3) get a wardbrobe from st. vincent de paul or what ever other charity sells cheap wardrobes. if you can get 2 identical ones you can take the backs off, push them together and you have an instant grow room for around $150 4) get a cheap 40cm oscilating fan from a super market 5) buy enough panda film to line the inside of the wardrobes and to cover any windows in the bedroom you will grow in that will give you a basic system which has worked for me for many years. it will make you a room that will be large enough to experiment in using different growing methods, growing different strains, etc. and best of all its cheap. you can literally set up a room like that for around $500 including your first pack of seeds. if you actually have some money to spare though, say $1500 i would recommend building your own grow room. you can pick up wood and most of the growing equipment from bunnings such as pots, tubs, water pumps, timers, etc. for other things such as the lighting, air filtering and a decent fan to move air out of the room you'll need to go to a hydroponic shop. if you study up on here for a few weeks and have a look around shops to see what you can locally get you'll be able to build a perfect indoor grow room. by that i mean one that doesn't leak light or smell and generates a minimal amount of noise, probably even less than a what a computer makes. provided you never tell anyone that you grow it will look like a wardrobe that you can put in everyone's face and you will never get ripped or raided. PS: dont get fooled by the propergander about hydoponically grown cannabis. it is no more dangerous to your health than 100% organically grown outdoor cannabis and it can be infact a much healthier option. hydroponically grown cannabis is stronger because the grower can harvest at the peak maturity and there isnt any environmental issues like rain or cloud cover to block the light. in other words all it does is allow the grower to get the best possible product for all their time and effort. thats not even to mention the fact you can actually grow 100% organically using hydroponics, its all upto the nutrients you use to water the plants PPS: you can always grow outdoors for next to nothing. all you need is a shovel, plot of land to grow on, couple bags of soil per plant and some water crystals which aren't required, but will make your life so much easier they are worth the $15 investment. provided you find a decent spot to grow in each plant can cost you less than $50 in total to grow and can yield over a pound each. but the old saying with great risk comes great reward rings true for outdoor growers because you have to deal with theives and theives wearing badges that can also throw your arse in prison
  8. because you mentioned a site that the owner has requested never be mentioned publically on this forum... i know it sucks, but i would rather infringe on free speech a little to keep a person out of prison than believe in free speech so much that i allow a person to get raped for god knows how long
  9. that was a very interesting read, however i dont see all drugs being studied again in order to reclassify them and have their users treated equally if that were to happen tobacco and alcohol would be removed from the market almost overnight, home brew kits and stuff like that would have to be treated like meth lab starter packs and unfortunately for us, politicians have too much invested in tobacco and alcohol to ever make them illegal. some politicians have money invested, others just see the stream of tax revenue come rolling in, but either way you look at it there is a bucket load of money that will be lost by the higher ups and while alot of alcohol induced violence will stop, im sure those crazy drunks will get equally angry having to drink their prison pop to get wasted and will still start fights for no good reason i think we need to appeal to our leader's fear and greed. the economy is screwed and only appears to be getting worse and there is literally billions of dollars stuck in the black market due to the drug trade. if cannabis was made legal until the economic crisis was over i think it would not only save australia'seconomy, prohibiting the drug afterwards would be next to impossible all that would need to be done is have it taxed and available where ever cigarettes are sold and because this crisis will last years people will get used to being able to legally buy pot. come the conclusion of the crisis when prohibition returns we would need to show people getting tazered, thrown to the ground, cars torn apart, children put in foster care, etc. basically the injustices we illegal drug consumers unfairly experience and the public will demand a stop be put to it....unfortunately we are still seen as a minority by the public so they dont give a shit about us, but if they show many normal, hard working citizens getting their lives destroyed it would be a totally different matter
  10. i think it would have been easy to pick out the seeds you made specifically...they would be nice and mature while the self seeded effort would be pretty much a grain of sand in the flowers. you might get the odd one that actually has a seed shape, but i highly doubt they would look nearly as good as the hybrid ones you made personally my money would be the other way around. im assuming you have pretty much light sealed the room, havent messed with the light hours, constantly cut the plants back, etc. so i could be wrong, but provided the plants get 12/12, you dont interupt their sleep with an hour or more of light and you dont constantly hack at the buds for a bit of smoko, etc. than there is a very high chance that the plant is a genetic hermie it might only be a late stage hermie that produces totally sterile pollen, but it would be a hermie nonetheless and it wont make for fun breeding in the future
  11. from what i have seen the claw is mainly caused by over watering. there are a few other possibilities like having a nutrient lockout, but as that plant looks pretty decent my money would be betting on the hole you dug acting like a bucket and holding alot of water in. it sounds like you did a great job of mixing up the soil you put back in the hole for the plant to grow into, but if the surrounding soil doesnt let the excess water drain off it would explain your problem
  12. im pretty sure its only the consumption of cannabis that has been decriminalized. pocession, sale, cultivation, etc. are all illegal and can lead to prison time. the 2 plants and 28g figures you mentioned were put in place to ease up on the prison system because people could go to jail for like 5 years for having a single joint on them I know crazy shit like that has happened in america, im pretty sure it hasnt been that extreme in austalia, but you shouldnt go around telling people its law that you can grow 2 plants when those 2 plants could get them locked up. if you want to encourage someone to grow tell them its illegal but show them the benefits to growing such as not having to deal with black market scum and getting an ounce or more for $20 instead of a single gram....
  13. if you know a guy who has massive amounts of pot stop being such a pussy and tell him that you want to get stoned for the first time. like any good drug dealer they'll probably give it to you for free in the hope that you come back to buy more, but if he is all about the money dont accept anything under 3.5g or 1/8oz for $50 and make sure its weighed up infront of you out of the bag so you dont get ripped off in the slightest...
  14. its too early to tell, especially from so far away, but what ever sex the plant is it sure looks nice
  15. are you into kiddy porn? do you want your children exposed to video clips of animal torture, x-rated porn, etc. not to even mention the terrorist recruitment websites? no? then support the internet filter...if you dont support the filter you openly agree that child porn is a-ok, you want all children exposed to video clips of animal torture, people fucking and terrorists blowing shit up in the name of some god thats pretty much the argument for this filter and there isnt a whole lot that can be done to disagree with some of the measures they are taking. blocking access to child porn, terrorist websites, etc. is a good thing, but what is rarely mentioned is the fact that the police already have a task force (i believe its in qld) that hunts down people accessing those kinds of things. in other words we already have a filter that is backed up by law enforcement and the sickos accessing that kind of stuff get punished accordingly. iinet has also landed head first in boiling water over the past couple of weeks. apparently they never bothered to inform their customers about the recording studios whinging about them downloading pirated movies and when they actually sent out letters saying you have beena naughty boy or girl, they never followed through with the termination clause for breaking their rules. sounds like a perfect isp to me, sticking it to a richer corporation and all, but i so wouldnt sign up with them and if i were already with them i would consider changing isp until the court case has been settled chances are those companies will ask for logs of everyone thats a customer to prove who was downloading what and god knows what information that could contain. lets just hope a judge knocks that back on the basis of internet banking records or something
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