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  1. http://i.imgur.com/FR0ga.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/1JODF.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/5RGau.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/QpwIj.jpg?1 I just noticed my plant showing some signs of health issues. This happened a few days after I planted it in the soil after being in a pot. It's sad because it's a Sativa and it's growing ever so slowly as they do! I would like it to recover Any ideas?
  2. Thanks Awesome, that's lucky. Hopefully it pulls out okay like yours! Nothing like a good, mature sativa! This plant is even in a colder location. Have been waiting so very long. So do you think it will continue to flower, even with the lack of sun and the cold temperatures/rain/frosts/winds? Will it take longer? Or will it go into like a sort of hibernation stage where it will do it's best to adapt and survive but won't grow any further? Cause from what you've said.. looks like I still should be getting excited lol Any maybe there will be hope after all! And I have much reading to do, don't even know what hermie is! I shall browse around the site Thanks muchly!
  3. Hi all, first post here. I'm glad to be a new member of this community. Have no idea why I haven't joined this earlier. Peace! Well time to get straight into it. A plant was planted in February and has recently just started to flower at the top. Just. Will it still continue to flower during winter? Will the plant retain itself and last the cold days and possible occasional frosts? The plant grows without tree protection or shade. Completely out in the open, with only one other plant by its side. So in a situation like this, would there be any negative impact on the plants health, life etc? Does it require a different spot? The climate it lives in tends to be very cold during winter I might add. Any knowledge would be great. Thankyou!!
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