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Badseed77 last won the day on August 3 2013

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    Waterpipe (Bong)
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    Rec. & Medicinal
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Cannabis Cultivation

  • Fav. Lighting

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  1. I would tried sticky taping it back together if you can . Seen them snapped to the point that they are held on by a fiber dangling , a bit of electrical tape and a week lately the tapes removed and they keep powering along . Amazing plants !
  2. Surely someone that reads as much in the internet about lighting would of worked that out by now ? HPS have been around for 30+ years because it fucking works . Period ! No one has says they are great , we just pointed out you can grow great frosty buds and great results under hps . The technology here is new therefor fucking expensive not many people can afford 1300$ on a light when they know a $ 300 digi ballast will do a great job . I am grateful FIWH has posted his experience and honest evaluation You can blame your light , but your weak results could be due to a number of things genetics , environment , etc.. Spend $1300 on alight to realize your piss poor results are from other factors .
  3. The hydro i got in the 90's kicked fucking ass , still yet to see better commercial gear then i did during the mid/late 90's . You sound like a internet hero , all theory and no hands on practice . I think you should stop reading about growing and actually try growing some cannabis for yourself , you might be surprised at what you can produce .
  4. I have been using cyco coco lite (70/30 mix) and been happy with it , still holds plenty of moisture. As already said you will not need to water ever day . Use the lift method and you will be fine . Fill a pot the same size you are using with dry coco straight from the bag and feel the weight of a pot the same size you just watered . Once the plant in the pot you have watered gets to about 50% the weight you then water . Most people over water at the start , less is usually "more" in the early days .
  5. It was good seeing cannabis in a positive view for once . But this show just highlights to me what is wrong with some people in our society , the complete lack of compassion and empathy . A country run by bureaucrats that have disconnected themselves from the real people and world . Maybe if one of those politician kids was dyeing from cancer and they may change there mind . Good to see the rest of Australia has a far more open mind then the morons running the country !!
  6. Yeah that just BS pegz , I have some nugs just as frosty as those with hps . Genetics plays more of a role then the light imo
  7. Very , very tasty looking buds man , love your work fiwh
  8. Always loved your work FIWH , i look forward to watching your breeding project
  9. Here some Quotes from some cop trying to lie and bullshit the public . "He said the raids would hit the supply of drugs in the state." ............ Since when did we start smoking seeds ? "This was a major investigation targeting serious organised crime. Drugs have a devastating impact on our communities and these 50,000 cannabis seeds had the potential to supply drug markets across the state," he said............ Oh thats right they must be supplying cannabis factorys with seeds Sounds like a lot of seeds tho .
  10. Wow cant get over that pic lou , that is just freaky looking . Has that been compressed like that or does it dry like that? Most people that do not grow think rock hard buds = good buds sadly
  11. Everything is black and white to them , they could not give a fuck if you re near deaths door using it to relieve the pain . They just want to get there quota to make sure there numbers look good for the month .
  12. I too am impressed by your frosty nugs fiwh Been great seeing what 1 315 watt could do. How many hours running before you need to replace the lamp ?
  13. I am a coco grower and never ever " flush" . I just make sure i get 20-30% run off every feed and drop every 3rd feed to about 1/4-1/2 strength. I have never had problems with salts building up in my medium and believe flushing would do more harm then good .
  14. I would bet if things get legalized for either medical or rec use . We will never be allowed to grow our own is this country ! It will be a "controlled" product and choice will be limited . Fines for growing will go up not down . I hope I am wrong .
  15. What a laugh . How many people in America die every year doing dumb shit whilst drunk , where is the " concern " there
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