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  1. I second this ^ , never heard of that before, would be cool to see how it goes.
  2. Nah, lack of Walter would only make the plant less likely to want to cook meth Edit: based on my fairly minimal knowledge I'd say the plant's a sativa, though someone else can confirm. What's that you're growing in? In a couple pics looks almost like charcoal or something , in others looks like very saturated soil ... I've heard of stress causing plants to turn male, though not sure if lack of watering would have that effect. In last few pics looking good apart from bit of what seems to be little bit of nute burn here and there. After googling something like "How to determine if weed plant is male or female", and the plant mature's you'll see. Don't really know anything about cloning as of yet. Lookin' good
  3. Anyone else watch this? I know this sub-forum is intended for weed related television though since I saw threads on Dexter & Breaking bad thought this was certainly worth a mention. Personally I think this is probably right up there number 1 with Breaking Bad. Terrance Winter (writer from Sopranos), Martin Scorsese (needs no intro) and Steve Buscemi (and many other great writers, directors and actors/actresses) depicting a Prohibition Era underworld- incredible. To those who watch T.V. shows and haven't seen this yet, you have many hours of great T.V. ahead: Boardwalk Empire
  4. L.o.l @ all above posts. & honestly Dave I don't think this campaign is particularly great. If you want I could provide a bit more of a detailed critique though long story short it really seems like 1 page of propaganda likening LEO's to "Bullies". Correct me if I'm wrong, though one of the biggest problems when it comes to this War on Drugs, is that a significant portion of the population has no problem with it due to a lack of understanding and/or lack of access to reliable information concerning this "War". This is of course in part due to the Governments own anti-drug propaganda campaigns. What it seems you're trying to do here is fight propaganda with propaganda. Wouldn't it be better to try and tackle propaganda with truth? Instead of a 1 page leaflet likening the Government and cops to bullies seemingly in an attempt to turn the population against them, wouldn't it be better to create a 1 page pamphlet stating what the War on Drugs is, what's the reason for it, and why it doesn't work thus should be abolished? I think it's better to educate people than to try and brainwash them with catchy slogans and arguable metaphors.
  5. Google itself is just a search engine. It'll give you websites with information related to your keywords though it's up to you to assess the credibility and reliability of those websites; so Google in itself isn't a place to get evidence though it is a search engine which if used accordingly can allow someone to find evidence. youtube on the other hand is far more difficult to assess as people generally create videos which seem like credible journalism portrayed in a convincing manner though there's hardly ever any actual referencing done so you end up with video's packed with misinformation being believed by the masses. I agree in general scientific websites/journals are the least likely to be anywhere near as biased as most sources of information simply based on how science & the scientific community works, however the real issue when it comes to the 'science' of medical marijuana is that there simply isn't anywhere near enough data from which one can draw particularly valid/reliable conclusions, which is why we're forced in general to rely on anecdotal evidence. Exactly as the article here you posted states: And that last sentence is usually what we're dealing with when speaking of medical use, especially when a doctor's involved. Cases where the risks of the condition were such that they outweighed the health risks associated with use. Until laws change at least allowing proper research to be done it isn't going to get anywhere. And to the ABS- there are lies, damned lies, and statistics I'm sort of joking: Statistics conducted in an acceptable manner would be good, though quite often if one digs hard enough you'll find something arguable in the numbers. What would you be able to get from the ABS in support of your legalization cause? I'm certainly not some extremist conspiracy theorist though I doubt a Government statistics company would have any numbers which could be used in support of legalization.
  6. O.k. if you're looking for some honest feedback I'll give it a go: To start with you should probably do a bit more research before writing something of the sort. E.g. Google; you'd be surprised how much info you can find if you give it a go. For instance you asked if the person in question can direct you to someone with info on cost to community, government, individual etc. With a few cleverly selected key words you can find probably thousands of essays on those things. If you'd like some more explicit guidance on the use of google let me know. Secondly I really don't see the necessity to try and shit on the medical use of marijuana to encourage a different approach to legalisation. Can't you just say: "O.k. the legalisation of marijuana for medical uses may be good however why only for medical use when prohibition costs the government and thus the community millions every year which could be spent on...etc etc" Instead of: "There's no evidence that pot is good for medical purposes so fuck that shit we should be legalizing it because of the cost to the community, the individuals etc.etc" That may be exaggerated but really your simile likening marijuana to moldy bread sure as hell isn't going to win favor with anyone except people who don't want it legalised at all. For example if an individual suffering from extreme nausea due to chemotherapy smokes weed and it works far better than anti-emetics with little to no apparent side effects how could you say: "Ah well you don't know there'll be no extremely detrimental long term side effects regardless of the fact it has very evident benefits?". As I said I understand you feel we shouldn't ONLY be focusing on the potential medical uses, however don't you think individuals using for medical purposes would take into account the lack of knowledge of potential detriment in the long term when deciding to use it? In fact come to think of it to be honest I think that statement ("there is not enough hard evidence to support that the good out weighs the bad")in itself is worthless because obviously you haven't really done any research on the matter. And come to think of it are you implying there isn't enough evidence to support the good outweighs the bad in medical uses, but does in a recreational and socio-economic context? And if so how&why? Anyway I understand I'm rambling though admittedly I found those initial points to be pretty confusing. Lastly the final two sentences: I didn't really understand at all what you were getting at. In the first it seemed you were restating your desire to shift the focus from medical use to recreational etc. etc. though if you haven't noticed there's already plenty campaigns which also focus on those points (without trying to shit on medical use) again accessible through google. And in the very last sentence I have no idea what you were trying to say (sorry). Hopefully this is reasonably coherent I can't be bothered proof-reading here if there's anything you didn't understand let me know and I hope I didn't sound too critical though just honest feedback
  7. Holy hell I wish I had that kind of space to grow in. If all goes to plan you'll be swimming in buds soon enough. How's this going so far? If you haven't bought a bunch of soil already, seriously just grab some bags or bricks of Premium Coco- it's simpler, cheaper, will almost definitely grow quicker and most likely better quality weed. I started with soil indoors just because I rushed into it with little to no research and really it's just a pointless headache. I can link you to some good guides on coco if you want let me know.
  8. The actual success rate is hard to determine but it seems the big ones as stated in the previous post have at least a 90% success rate. Have a read in the seed bank Q&A to see who's been getting seeds from where lately.
  9. If your situation allows then it's a good hobby and of course great supply of good quality herb, though I'd certainly advise against anything other than personal use due to the fact it's generally dealers who get caught and Australia's laws aren't particularly kind when it comes to growing weed. Starting out you'll probably just want to try some bag seed as puka stated. Moving on from there what strain you'll want will depend on a number of factors e.g. indoor/outdoor autoflower/photoperiod etc. etc. Seed banks usually have these "Find your seed" selectors. Other things you'll want to take into account overall of course are medium/nutrients etc. For the seeds check the site sponsors, Amnesia, DemonSeeds, SeaofSeeds, most people seem to be getting their stuff from there lately- also AttitudeSeedbank and Herbies. For this info though check from the front page of forum Cultivation Nursery--Breeding Rooms--Seed Bank Q&A. Plenty info there. And of course as always the Search box in the top right (just be sure to click and pick "Forum" to search everywhere), there's of course already loads of info on everything grow related here.. Anymore info or Q's let us know people will be happy to help.
  10. I'm thinking Dexter is starting to fall off a bit this season. It seems as if the writing is getting sloppy.
  11. . Legally no. However: Front page of forum: Cannabis Cultivation Nursery --> Cannabis Breeding Rooms --> Cannabis Seed Bank Q&A. In particular see the sticky at the top on how one could go about ordering seeds, hypothetically. And see the magnifying glass at the top right for basic Q's. 9 times out of 10 it'll have been Q'd and A'd before.
  12. L.O.L. And really PC grow boxes are fairly crap in general you should just send me your seeds and find a good source. Though if you're really determined, see the magnifying glass top right corner and also Google. Your questions are far too basic and general, you really should try to research the stuff first. Questions like "should I grow hydro" really depends on your situation e.g. financial, time and otherwise; if nothing else it's quicker to just do a bit of reading then ask some specific questions. As you can imagine these sort of questions have been asked many times before...
  13. Who's been screwing with my posts? I'm joking. Was a bit off topic in the other thread, though instead of a new thread I think this could actually be merged with Frazz's Cannabis under Different Lighting Regimes Some interesting posts & observations in there already regarding photo-periods, and if anyone would do a new experiment they'd better do a grow diary
  14. The previous post I find somewhat odd in certain respects, e.g. where did the level of precision come from (36 min?)), just posted for anyone interested. Also does the link you posted only not work for me? My browser says unable to connect; I found the article anyway here : http://www.mrnice.nl/forum/5-strain-base/4000-dj-short-photoperiod-angle-light.html (in case other doesn't work for others) That I definitely agree with and probably above all would encourage people to experiment as scientifically (e.g. controls!) as possible, make as detailed observations as possible and above all publish/distribute the results for examination/discussion!!! I don't think anyone really can argue with someone else's observations. If someone else says "I tried 24/0 and 18/6 plenty times over the years and found no difference", you can't really argue with it due to the lack of detail; if that's what they see, that's what they see. However if they would describe exactly how the test was done, detail the methodology, even better-include pics etc. etc. the validity and reliability of their conclusions can in that case be argued as their observations could have been a result of some experimental flaws... If only the retarded laws would change so greater/unrestricted research could be done... Anyway, when I can finally set up and get growing with a 600 mh/hps and get a few plants done, perhaps some time coming year I may be able to do a couple identical set ups and do some tests. I still haven't been able to find any detailed experiments comparing photo-periods... Right now all I have is 200W of cfl's with an auto-flower underneath slowly struggling along (looks reasonable though I think). Will get there eventually.
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