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The Hash Nibbler

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The Hash Nibbler last won the day on September 17 2016

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    Wherever Hash is not safely contained......

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  1. Heya Man! Been awhile crocodile.... lookin lovely. Well done Burt!!! Love a good flower show.
  2. Hey guys, thought I'd say HI .
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Stoned Jester

      The Stoned Jester

      Hey Nibbler! good to see you still kicking around, peace bro.


    3. The Hash Nibbler

      The Hash Nibbler

      Hey fellas, hope life is treating you well. Still goin with G13 Haze... rest were lost ages ago.

      Stay safe and grow well.

    4. man


      goodonya hopper . it was good to have catch up mate.. glad ya well mate .
  3. Think ya legalize it in all forms or don't do it at all. It should be the patients right to choose the form and method of application. Band aid approach to a long running arguement. Keep growin ya meds Sandgropers. Nibs.
  4. Maybe not so wise hermanian. You May Get A Slight PHYSICAL DIFFERENCE But The GENETICS Are IDENTICAL. Maybe some breeders can weigh in on this. There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to cloning. I have heard heaps of old wives tails, some people honestly believe they are gospel. It's OK, remember. .... no matter what you wish or desire the plant to do..... it is still bound by the most basic of nature's laws. Peace. Nibs.
  5. That's cool ... call it what ya want man. Still doesn't change the fact there are no generations in cloning. More typical to just keep tabs on the mums age in years. It can't be called generations because no evolution of the original takes place, it is merely a copy...exact in every detail. Nibs.
  6. I prefer to run a mum but when it comes to getting ready for flowering, I will clone her... keep the clones as mums and flower out the old mum after they root. Always take 2-3 clones each strain so you don't get caught out... then whatever is left over goes in the flower tent. I have spoken to people about genetics getting weaker after each cloning. But don't forget the basics.... you are cloning, You are taking a part of a plant and making it root....genetics of the clone are an exact replica of the mother... it's part of it. It's not breeding.. There are no generations to cloning as nothing changes and no genes are added or taken away. There is always debate in this topic. I had one guy try and tell me that his weed was getting stronger the more he cloned.haha Will not happen. Clone only is bullshit. Does not exist. If it can flower it can breed. Nibs.
  7. Heya Billy, maybe just tip them all over so everywhere you have a tip take it off....so the two below become the tops. Do that a couple times then flip Em. .. so you present the max amount of budsites directly to the light.... kinda like a lazy man's scrog. Hehe. It's a compromise and you may have to bend ya top cola to keep it from hitting roof later..... Hope that helps .... live long and prosper. ... Nibs.
  8. If it was trippin out the powerboard Raz it is pulling too many amps. Most powerboards are rated at 10 amp. I run 2 x 600 magnetic ballasts and fans etc off mine.... no probs. So is a faulty powerboard... or ya drawing over 10amp....which should not happen with 2x600. I have run a MAX of 3x600 on a 10amp powerboard but thats the limit before they will trip on start up. Glad ya got it sorted. Nibs.
  9. I had heard rumours around too but I still see em on ebay here and there. Be a shame if they are discontinued. I am still using the same ones from 4-5 years ago... Saved me heaps of power and best CFL I have used. 2 will do a mum/veg/clone area easy peasy and keep temps down over summer. Nibs.
  10. Ph out causing lockout. Try mixing ya calmag with water first, PH to 7 then add base nutes and PH to 5.8, add ryzo. Calmag is super high in ph and needs to be mixed and ph'd first. Try to water, leave until top 2" is dry in coco then feed until you get at least 10% run off. You need the run off to flush out salts. Thats were you are now.... Ph wrong from feeding and no flushing letting salts build up in coco. Flush with straight 5.5ph water... let it dry out for a few days and start again. Can show up as many deficiencies but is most common cause of messing up ya first grows. Just check ya amount on A+B too, 4ml/L seems a lot. Hope that helps. Nibs.
  11. . Don't be put off mate. By everyones a scientist I mean that usually when you think somethings new its usually just re-hashed with a new name. CO2 is years old too. I had a tute on how to do it here somewhere. Check out some of the concentrates made here by Naycha, Ernie and a few others..... amazing quality. Holland still serves concentrates in coffeeshops....... otherwise they would have to ban hash. Nibs.
  12. Matty.... what you describe as glove goo is actually called Charas or hand rub and has been around for centuries. sorry mate but it aint a new thing and more effort went into smoking it than 'making' it. Everyone is a farkin scientist...... ask me how I know...... Nibs.
  13. What you guys wanna see.... ? I can do two of one strain both from same mum about 2 1/2ft now just for a quick comparison but for a proper one would want to do it from clone and watch as it starts out. But I won't be cloning till next year now. Hopefully the larger plant comparison will be enough, I'm intetested as well. Nibs.
  14. Hey Xanode, Don't think its exactly the same but be similiar. For half the price its worth a shot. Nf do decent coco and base nutes. Like their pk 13-14 (Top Booster in H&G) is actually 0-11-12 and called pk heavy. Close enough but not close enough for a law suit.... which I guess is why Root Nectar is named that and not Root Excelorator..... . I dont just have H&G stuff. I also run silica and cal mag from a different source. I will have a look at the NF root nectar and the pk heavy for ya..... I get given free shit and got a container of each to try. Already know pk heavy will perform just like pk 13-14. I'll swap one of me plants to root nectar from root excel and see what happens. Nibs.
  15. Each to their own Forget..... dont wanna use the additives... up to you.... some I don't use either. The new nutrifield coco range follows the same additive range as h&g. Root excelorator is root nectar. Top booster is pk heavy. Try a run without additives and one with... see what ya like best and if its worth the extra $. Nibs.
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