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    Rec. & Medicinal
  • Medicinal Use
    Helping to recondition my lungs while exercising as it is a vasodilator
  • Favourite Strain
    No Hybrids
  • Preferred Heads
    100% Organic

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  1. Yeah your room looks pretty good :)

    merry xmas to you and hope you had a good boxing and xmas day :D

  2. Happy Boxing day Sati :D

    have you seen what i've been up to lately?

    No good i promise lol.

    Hope you had a good chrissie

  3. Hi Sat,

    saw you visited me, but you didn't say hi ):

    anyways good morning lol

  4. I can see the benefit of the government regulating it for weak individuals who cannot control there intake, and for substances to be made better and safer. However they don't seem to be looking at the interests of people, its about control and maintaining the societal status quo for them. For pot, med users would greatly benefit from growing there own distilling there own oil and controlling dosages that way so they can have that pain free experience with out that stoned like feeling if thats what they truly want.
  5. Well I recommend doing the hand test, the hand test is really simple, place light above seedlings, place your hand near light source and feel the gradient of heat right down to the growing medium if its to hot closer to the bottom move it up higher, remember they are seedlings don't wanna be to hard on em at the start, just like a baby you can use light timing to deal with that, and height. Use both forgot that other dimension, apologies friend.
  6. I certainly think that pot is generally safer than alcohol, but better consumed in a smokeless form, and not spun with tobacco I think the spinning with the tobacco contributes to some peoples rage. I disagree with people saying it pot doesn't make you forget things, one of the frequent things I see with stoner's is them forgetting things.
  7. Was she ingesting oil like rick simpsons? I just don't see how it cured the cancer... I don't know what her habits were like etc, I think more information needs to be obtained.
  8. Altering genetics of the plant, fuck thats almost like the likes of monsanto. I don't think theres anything wrong with cross-breading as such but we really do need to preserve the originally domesticated plants.
  9. Sorry I don't see this as a positive move forward, what it reminds me of is this, i have my own land, i have room to grow, fuck your tax. Pandering to gov
  10. Thanks for your input fibrofeend, your information has been most useful. Konflikt think before you apply that hand to the keyboard. As for ingesting any type of substance, if it's going into your body it will have an effect whether you notice it or not.
  11. Hmmm i've heard of others doing it, I refuse to give up and accept that as the answer.
  12. Hi I am looking for a method to have the benefits of cannabis without the stoned feeling, anyone know a way of doing this?
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