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uncle chron

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uncle chron last won the day on May 29 2013

uncle chron had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    in front of the computer

Cannabis Habits

  • Preferred Intake
    Waterpipe (Bong)
  • Cannabis Use
    Rec. & Medicinal
  • Medicinal Use
    anxiety and depression
  • Favourite Strain
    dunno yet
  • Preferred Heads
    100% Organic

Cannabis Cultivation

uncle chron's Achievements


Mentor (12/14)

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  1. Is Rev still around? or Bufo?.... Jaikai?
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mastertig


      rev i havent had contact with in 4 years,

      bufo much the same...hit me up wen u ready


    3. mastertig


      go the eels

      parra sHOUT IT.......PARRA


    4. uncle chron

      uncle chron

      lol bil, I only just saw this........ the mrs luvs parra :D

      cheers though peeps :)

  2. https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners.com/topic/14173-mongy-weed-explained/?view=getnewpost
  3. G`day mate Might i suggest you research "polyploidy" and "the polyploid state" "There is an unnatural in Cannabis called the polyploid state. This happens when a cell contains more than two homologous sets of chromosomes and may breed the condition through to other Cannabis plants" Above quote from The cannabis breeders bible. by Greg Green. Hope that helps some 420
  4. "family...... They`ll fuck you up!"
    1. Dingo-2008


      Know all to well about that family shit,Felt like a Dart board after my Brother & sister had finished with me.
    2. uncle chron

      uncle chron

      i`ve cut all of mi mums side off.... havent spoken in over a year, and its faaaantastic :P


  5. boo
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MongyMan
    3. Faith


      +1 Mongy pmsl bwwaaahahahah

      ..Hiya chron :peace:

    4. uncle chron

      uncle chron

      im good thanks people :)

      living the city life these days :o

      Hope everyone is well.

  6. finished parole today :) 4yrs/10mnths since i was busted - what a fucken ride
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Razz0r


      wow - very long time - congrads man
    3. Dingo-2008


      Great that it is over,Great to see you back Chron.
    4. shroomyshroom


      mine is about to start.......... :( brother I lost the way and went down the path of easy money........ i feel like such a fucking piece of...
  7. finished parole today - 4yrs, 10months since i was busted :)
  8. fun fun fun
    1. Faith


      you take the t-bird, I'll take the coupe ;) lol
    2. Naycha


      Herro herro herro
  9. thanks for the bump so here`s another one good luck for next season peeps 420
    1. Dingo-2008


      So that's where you been hiding out chron.Good to see you back in action mate.
    2. uncle chron

      uncle chron

      Yeah bro.. Just laying low

      Should be a link to my group in the forums soon :)

      I'll be back on tthe boards soon ;)

  10. hey hey :D im back fuckers ;)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dingo-2008


      Welcome back Uncle Chron,Now I know why I have not been able to sleep lol,Good to see ya back mate.
    3. MongyMan
    4. AussieToker


      chron! yo same here, welcome back
  11. freedom
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Dingo-2008


      Welcome Home Uncle Chron,Have a good Christmas Chron.All the best mate.
    3. Vape


      Hey welcome back!! :)


    4. uncle chron
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