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Skunkxxx last won the day on May 21 2015

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    Rec. & Medicinal
  • Medicinal Use
  • Favourite Strain
    Grape Ape,Lemon Kush,LotaBud All my strains
  • Preferred Heads
    100% Organic

Cannabis Cultivation

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  1. I hope all our friends are safe from the fire. Maybe some of you have a story to share. Peace out
  2. My friend said it was no-one in the building at that address.He toolkit on and will be letting me know what he finds.He said he will not e nice to them and I will let you know what he finds. Sorry you are being ripped off.I am doing all I can hope it helps that is a lot of money to be ripped off for.
  3. I Am in usa and have a friend checking on the place for you,He can go to the place they use for this scam and he is a biker that doesn’t like scammers. hope I can help https://www.google.com/maps/place/264+Broadway,+Denver,+CO+80203/@39.7201758,-104.9874335,3a,58.9y,106.18h,76.17t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sLj4qtXt5-rcfjSapmSXrrQ!2e0!3e11!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x876c7f2058b9b4e3:0xc4f57f0588f246fa!8m2!3d39.7205636!4d-104.987301
  4. Cut them off and clone them is what I would do.
  5. I feel bad today.I ad a power outage and I lost two turtles,so I released all but one.She is te first one I put back together with screws after being hit by a car.I got er out of the road just in time. Still not able to get into chat,sure miss chatting with you guys and gals.OZ please get it together for your members and OLD friends. PEace Out and may the hemp gods be good to you all.
  6. Yea this sucks.been on there since 2004…good luck. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL
  7. We have some close to that but we call them soft shell turtles.Good size ones all over the rivers here.Some cook them. I dont know whats up but I cant get into chat,it comes up and says wait to load,and never does,any ideas?
  8. I know alot of you use FB,and alot dont.But if you do or not would you hit like for my grand child to win this oufit my daughter is going crazy to have. https://www.facebook.com/123739914476178/photos/pb.123739914476178.-2207520000.1448327536./479187358931430/?type=3&theater This is a Fb linkr,A simple like is on her pic please. Thanks alot.This ends ia couple days,so I need to delete after.remind me if i forget.Thanks alot.She will appreciate it also
  9. Source: Turtle Room Do you know what they are? I have a couple southern box turtles for sale.I have got too many now.I have a breeding pair also. If anyone is interested let me know. Peace out.Cant get into chat any more not sure why.Talk to you guys later.
  10. My daughter used to watch them.
  11. Must have worked.DocW.Send me a pm or email if you see this…
  12. The demand for black market medicinal marijuana has become so intense the Nimbin Hemp Embassy is urging people to ‘do it yourself’. Embassy volunteers say they are fielding calls from across Australia on a daily basis from people desperate to get hold of either tinctures or oils to treat conditions ranging from cancer to epilepsy. With medical cannabis advocate Tony Bower due to face court again this month, any remaining supplies of tincture are being reserved for the people, many of them children, that he has been supplying for free. The Embassy has been selling ‘how to’ books for $2, with the proceeds going to Mr Bower’s legal defence. Hemp Embassy volunteers Vanessa Toms and Donna Star told Echonetdaily that they were receiving up to 10 calls a day, with many more coming into the embassy. ‘The hardest thing is saying no to a parent with a sick child,” Ms Toms said. ‘I just had a lady in tears on the phone who is driving up from Victoria to Nimbin to buy some buds to make tincture because you can’t get decent mull in Melbourne, it’s all hydro,’ she said. ‘We have more than a 1000 people on the waiting list just for Tony’s product.’ Meanwhile, some local growers are attempting to meet the demand. Some tincture is available in a few outlets, while others are defying police pressure to continue to supply the product over the internet. Just recently Australian Federal Police arrested a person trading as The Don Medicinal Cannabis at Gold Coast airport. Police confiscated 110 grams, or $11,000, worth of oil. The 44-year-old is due to appear in Coolangatta Court on 8 September. Meanwhile, almost 200,000 people have signed a petition calling on the NSW Govt to decriminalize medicinal cannabis, and a bill is expected to be tabled this month. Coinciding with that, Lucy Haslam, whose son Dan is fighting terminal cancer, has started a fundraiser to conduct an advertising blitz to ‘ensure every MP knows how important it is for them to step up and change the laws. Premier Mike Baird has come out publicly that he would support the bill, but has expressed concerns about supply. A Nimbin grower who asked to remain anonymous told Echonetdaily that there was plenty of expertise amongst local growers, who could be licensed to supply quality product. The grower gave Echonetdaily a demonstration of how to make a particular type of tincture for pain relief, but he cautioned that there were a number of ways to make the product so that it dealt with specific illnesses or diseases. Nimbin’s Hemp Embassy president Michael Balderstone also recently called on the government not to ignore the network and experience of Northern Rivers growers.
  13. if you can think of it,those guys have done it.they never stop changing.its like its a game for them
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