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louise last won the day on June 10 2024

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    the bush

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    Rec. & Medicinal
  • Medicinal Use
    Amelioration of nausea, muscle spasms, mets. pain, depressive symptoms.
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Grand Master Kush (14/14)

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Community Answers

  1. These days, I think most youngsters use apps to find love.
  2. Salut Annita. Désolé, mais je ne peux pas dire que le cannabis a aidé mes sautes d'humeur. Restreindre la consommation de cannabis à la fin de la soirée a fonctionné le mieux pour moi, cela m'a aidé à dormir et un sommeil régulier aide à réduire les sautes d'humeur. Meilleurs voeux, Lou.
  3. Yes, the spots on the leaves. I use eco oil, some people use neem preparation (there is some debate over the potential toxicity of neem). If, as micmac thinks, it's white fly (you'll see clouds of them lifting from the plant if you brush the leaves), eco oil will also solve the problem. Spray the plants, both sides of the leaves, during the cool of morning. Repeat every 3 days for a total of 3-4 sprayings.
  4. D and A both look like they have spidermites, with D being most seriously affected.
  5. I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, both your cancer diagnosis and also on getting ripped off. It is, of course, your choice to refuse to 'yanno', I wish you well and hope that you will reconsider your decision. Cannabis is a useful substance, but it is not a miracle cure for advanced disease.
  6. No worries Itchy, I have failing teeth and a serious dentist phobia. A couple of gel hot/cold packs are a very useful thing to have on hand. I keep one in the freezer and the other atop the microwave. Alternating a few minutes of heat and then a few minutes of cold over the area reduces pain by confusing the nerve signals. Works pretty well for isolated musculoskeletal and arthritic pain as well. Cloves are an old cure that have stood the test of time (natural anaesthetic), but you have to be careful because it will burn if you get it on your tongue or gums and then intensify the pain. Other over the counter options are bonjela (its not just for babies) and Cepacaine mouthwash. I do everything in my power to avoid dentist visits. And +1 to Merl1n's suggestion of milk, especially if eating sugary foods causes pain, milk will often reverse that.
  7. I know you asked Merl1n, but I'll drop my 2cents as well Itchy. Codeine is generally the wrong choice for tooth related pain. Most (pre extraction) tooth pain is related to infection and inflammation. There isn't much space for swelling in the gum so inflammation in this area puts a lot of pressure on nerve endings and can hurt really bad. An anti-inflammatory drug, like nurofen (and backed up by an antibiotic to clear the infection), is much more likely to bring relief to that sort of pain than codeine. Codeine would be good for after extraction because then you are dealing with tissue trauma. The last time I had an abscessed tooth, I was searching for something to kill the pain as I ran out of nurofen... my regular Targin (oxycodone/nalaxone) didn't touch it, liquid morphine didn't touch it. I spent a night with half my face in agony, alternating hot and cold compresses to my face and gargling with Peter Mac anaesthetic mouth jelly. Got the pain back to bearable once I got to the shop for an inti-inflammatory and then to the gp for an antibiotic. All of the opioid/opiate drugs can cause delirium (particularly in older individuals), but I have never heard of CBD increasing the likelihood of delirium. Codeine is well known for causing bizarre dreams, especially in higher than 10mg doses. Corticosteroids are another group strongly associated with psychoactive side effects. I get really nasty nightmares (that don't fade on waking, the sort of thing that leaves me traumatised all day) when I take prednisolone. The way I get around that is cannabis. If I have to take a corticosteroid, I also have small nightly doses of canna oil. Canna oil effectively blots out the dreams and means I can get some sleep. So yeah, seems strange to me that a dr is saying that CBD is interacting with the codeine to produce delirium. I hope your family member is feeling better now.
  8. It certainly isn't what it used to be, but that is life... things change.
  9. Hey Merl1n, I think we've discussed Lyrica previously. There's nothing like feeling like you are near blackout drunk, bumping off the walls with the world spinning... especially when you've only had one stubbie (and no, not a Darwin stubbie). I've never been a big or frequent drinker, but I have to say, it's nice to be able to enjoy a half glass of merlot without worrying that I am going to spend half the night vomiting. It's also nice to not be tripping over my own feet and being able to walk through doorways without clipping the the door frames. It's very nice to have said goodbye to Lyrica.
  10. Sweet! I wont have warm enough overnight temperatures until December. No outdoor autos for me.
  11. CBG Relief Auto... this one looks interesting. I'd love to see it stocked locally in future (currently out of stock). It might not be popular with recreational users, but for complex pain, I'd really enjoy being able to trial a bit of CBG in my oil mix. Hash Plant CBD... This is another one that interests me. I've had good results with 1:1 thc/cbd strains in the past.
  12. I think the idea is you walk the cash into a physical branch of the bank and deposit via a teller's window. That's why they give you 5 days to complete the transaction. It's both cheap for a shoestring, web based, business and no paper, or digital, trail back to the customer. In the olden days, actually going into a branch was the only way to move money around.
  13. Damn Mick, you got my hopes up... all varieties still listed as 'out of stock'. Should have read your post more thoroughly... excitement had me clicking the link. Seems I have 27 hrs to pace.
  14. You don't have to worry over the equinox with autos, they aren't affected by length of day/night. Temperature is probably the environmental factor that has the greatest impact on autos. I haven't used gro dirt, so I can't comment. When it comes to temperature, how warm are your nights? With regular, photosensitive, plants, cold starting isn't so much of an issue because they can make up size during vegetative growth before going into flower. Autos really need warm nights to maximise growth before they begin to flower. So, although regular plants can be sown outdoors once the frost risk has passed, autos do better once night time temperatures are well into double figures.
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