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gundawindi last won the day on September 20 2012

gundawindi had the most liked content!

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  • Preferred Intake
    Dry Pipe
  • Cannabis Use
    Rec. & Medicinal
  • Medicinal Use
    back and neck injuries
  • Favourite Strain
  • Preferred Heads
    100% Organic

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  1. who locked me in the cupboard...OWN UP...?
    1. The Hash Nibbler

      The Hash Nibbler

      sorry, ya had to come out sometime Gunda.... hehe
    2. gundawindi


      lol..bloody harvest time on the farm no time for anything..all work no sleep
    3. The Hash Nibbler

      The Hash Nibbler

      Keep up the good work Gunda...feedin a nation man, ya should be proud =)
  2. back from cyber lockout..DOH remember password when you change you silly old fool
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Matanuska Thunder

      Matanuska Thunder

      that's were you've been...


    3. The Hash Nibbler

      The Hash Nibbler

      lol, welcome back, back...
    4. Faith


      Hiya Gundi-I'm new but I've seen your handiwork! Nice to have you back peace vin


  3. definitely over watering .... i would look at starting again ...and if you are useing ferts i would hold off till the seedling gets a bit older..some good neutral soil water when dry ish..and you will have success in no time..
  4. wine its great as long as you bring it with you... no wineries that way ..well not that i can remember..fishing is great ..a lot of good growing country.
  5. packing up the bus ready ...if they legalize it i am moving to katherine..woohoo
  6. hi...i am not knowledgable in indoor type of growing my skill lay in outdoor ..but i thought i would post and kick things of..some one will drop by soon with some help.. pics are always a good tool to help others see what is going on..
  7. i like them to get to around 10 inches before i plant out..also i generally like to have the spot prepared a month or so in advance,,but as long as the plant has a foot of dirt between it and the fish all should be fine..
  8. hi weedjoy bat guano is good...but i enjoy fishing and since i have a lot of fish bodies why not put them to good use ..i dont see no reason to buy what nature can supply.. I would use none of the fish products indoors the smell would be quite bad i think..i only use them outdoors. dont know much about that stuff i only use seasol and a little molasses at flower. the molasses is only to give the microbes in the soil a boost which helps with food production for the plant have fun with the worm farm...
  9. a few good size fish bodies under the plant...put them 12-18 inches under the ground .you need this to allow the plant to be strong enough to handle the sudden boost of nutrients the decaying fish will provide......yes that will feed them all season long...good luck....
  10. fish..bury fish under your plants ..nothing else comes close..there is "fish emulsion" also good.."seasol" another good one...but this is oly good if you are an outdoors grower..
  11. gonna cost the alright ...a few years to think about it...
  12. as long as they have good drainage they will be fine..go hard...
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