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whats wrong with my plants

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i think i did it wrong the pics not loading it started a few days a go maby a week smoked so much i cant remember but it attacked the bottom leafs which i just knocked about 20 leafs off the bottom of my 13 out of 15 plants 13 hav eit 2 dont my two biggest might i addpost-5498-1121409286_thumb.gif Edited by fsagertyaef
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you cant tell by the pic but the leafs are turning yellowish and dying and it sux i stopped giving them water becasue i though i was over watering giving them a chance to use what they have but that didnt help much at all any more suggestions would be nicec maby a really nice flush with ph 5.8 water???
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As much information about the growroom as possible please. It sounds like they're starving for nutrients, but don't go out watering the crap outta them with strong nutes until you can give us information about everything in that growroom. Think of the basics, light, air, water, heat, nutrients and media.


Try uploading your pic using the section below your posting box called "attachments". Jpeg format and you should be right.

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sorry stoned rants sorry luke

currently they are under my bed in a underbed box there are 15 of them all bagseed

my 2 biggest seem to be fine they are in 4 inch pots except my 2 big ones they are in larger pots

in a 50/50 perlite/soil misture they only nutes they have been getting are rare earth and i threw

some of that in with my siol/perlite mix and and a foliar mist 3 times a day with worm castings in

it nothing complacated 24/0 floros till i get the actuall room set up if i finih converting my bed and

sorry im dyslexic cooama periods nad indentations just piss me off sorry but thats y i dont write

letters to people i call them but i think to fast to keep up with it so i just let everything come out

and sometimes i go over an fix everything temp i need to find a way to stableize it it varys from dfay to day always staying in the 70 range

and the only reason i had that pic was i took it off my plant and scanned it

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are ants bad for plants if so im fucked becasue i left a feast out over a weekend becasue i forgot to take it out to the kitchen andi have ants in my room right now working on it shuold have them all dead tonight oh the temp is about 80 deg fer im going to go and get my 400 watss bulbs but untill i find a place i can set them up at i have to stick with my floros im going to go get another set of floros and the 400 watts today or tommarow any more info i have your welcome to



tom thanks thats the link i used to diagnose my plants

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Yeah, ants certainly aren't fun, but be careful not to use aerosol sprayers near your plants, as these can burn.


Foliar spraying 3 times a day is waaay too much, you're actually draining the leaves of nutrients rather than helping them. Only foliar feed once a week at the most, and only once in the day.


Do you have any ventilation? By that I mean air being removed from the room and fresh air able to enter.

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i have no where to draw fresh air from right now i have a 10inch fan blowing over them but tthats it im working on getting a inline fan but its going to be a day or two b4 i do i am going to be moving the grow back to my closet and im only going to burn 2 of the lights in my closet as it is only 2x7x8 or about there next 3 investments timer better mixture of soil and inline fan
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