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what light to get

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ok a friend of mine is buying me a light for my xbox so heres the question what kind of light should i get a 400 thats what i think i need grow space is 7long by 2wide by 8 tall closet grow im using a soil mix but i dont know anything about lights yet this is the next forum i have to read any help would be apreashiated thanks



specific lights are what i need im not sure where to look or what im looking for


:smoke :whistling :peace: :reallyexcited:

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2 feet 1 inch wide

6 feet 10 inches long

8 feet 1 1/8 inches tall

ok thats the exact masurments to my closet now there a shelf that about 2 feet from the celling i have a floresent already up im doing seedlings im styarting today im getting what ever light you guys say is good but now that you know the measurments to it


what kind of shade do i need


also i know this is in the wrong forum buti need odor control which is better ionizer ozone generator or carbon filter and a price for each please if you know it im sure someone will im doing a dozen plants scroging them they will be in 2 gallon buckets no bigger i dont hink ill start a grow diary soon i hope

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ok well unless the light you get has heat extraction, you should go for a 400watt hps IMO....a 250 will reduce your yield heaps but would be better temp wise, a 600 would fry the area with way too much heat :thumbdown


as for the shade, if you can get one that has the air cooled ability, it would reduce heat dramatically and you could get the light closer to the plants giving you bigger buds :thumbsup


i would go for the carbon filter, they are used in hospitals to clean the air, they kill the smell really good and in general are a good thing to have around, the ozone can really mess you up (plants too :thumbdown ) if exposed to it for too long...more of a safety issue with me but if you have the ozone generator on a timer, you'd be fine :peace:

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You could also put a partition in and make a 2' x 2' mum/veg room with CF lights as that area would be a bit out of the reach for a HID anyway, 4' x 2' is about the most coverage you will get from a 400w and as wantdachronic says a 600w is a bit much for those dimensions.



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ok so i need a 400 watt hid with a air cooled reflector what kinda cooling should i use for the actual light then


i just got a floro 4 feet long ive got it hanging im going to have it one 24/0 for a week or two i just put the seeds in the rockwool after letting them soak for a min in water that was ph 6.9

nitrate levels are 10mg/L

nitrite level of about .3mg/L

is hard water bad for plants??? im assuming it wouldbe but im not sure should i only use purifyied water for my plants???

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ok so i need a 400 watt hid with a air cooled reflector what kinda cooling should i use for the actual light then


there are reflectors that have holes in the sides where you can attack fans, ducting runs to to outside and 1 fan sucks in while the other blows out...there is also water cooled lights but i havent seen one of those in any hydro shop, even if i did, water + electricity dont mix so i wouldnt get one :scratchin a few oscilating fans could be enough to keep the area cool but if your only using a single oscilating fan and the room heats up, its fairly hard to get rid of the heat :thumbdown


i just got a floro 4 feet long ive got it hanging im going to have it one 24/0 for a week or two i just put the seeds in the rockwool after letting them soak for a min in water that was ph 6.9

nitrate levels are 10mg/L

nitrite level of about .3mg/L

is hard water bad for plants??? im assuming it wouldbe but im not sure should i only use purifyied water for my plants???


you shouldnt need to give the plants any nutes at this stage of life, after a couple of weeks they might do with a feed but when they are that young, feeding them could easily kill them :thumbdown as for the water, if you can drink it without problems, as long as the pH is in check, so should your plants, buying spring water is way too expensive and you would be much better off getting tap water ready the day before you need it (ph adjusted, nutes, etc.) and then test the pH again just before you water, sometimes the water can fluctuate in pH a bit :thumbdown

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ok i need a couple more fans then right would 3 9 inch ones be ok i have a few of those and do they have to oscilate or can they just be stationary

and i didnt add nuits yet i have old fish tank strips and it has those on it figured it might be useful info

Edited by fsagertyaef
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ok now i have another thing to consider i might be growing at a friends house in his basement if i do it there im going to do more plants now this has to do with that a 600 watt light would do how many fullsize plants and what about a 1000watt light


and in case i dont do it at his house i should get a aircooled reflector on a 400 watt hid aiircooled??? is there any other way to cool it???

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you will need a fairly high volume and therefore expensive centrifugal or inline fan in the top of the wardrobe for the main extraction , then add the aircooled reflector and those fans for it also . also an oscilating fan inside for airmovement and then youll be right .


id definetly look at aircooled reflectors . im getting one on the weekend , without it my temps are up to 30c , want to bring that down a few degrees . and thats with a lot of extraction already in a similar wardrobe setup ssssssssssssssssssss

Edited by skyhigh
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