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CO2 Overload?

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Cheers mate, i've tried to be slow and steady with this batch haven't rushed them except for the CO2. I've eliminated almost all other possibilities just want to be sure is all. Stopped the gas last nite and seems a little worse now when lights are back on but i s'ppose i'll know over the next 12/24 hrs or so. Just like to know what long term effects/damage etc from someone who has seen it and what else I can do to fix em except stop using it, buy test kits etc


I live in Asia bro and not many grow shops or hardwares around here so i've got make do as best i can. i get stuff shipped in now and then but can't get shit fast.




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very good and obvious ? JF and I don't know the answer. It's for fish tanks I think, well it's bought from a aquarium supply store? I'm a complete novice in terms of CO2 usage mate and I could be using the wrong stuff??? The tank has no English writing on it and it will difficult to get more info about it but i'll try. i'll know in a few hours when lights come in if damage has worsened, hope not.

thanks heaps


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well damage has spread a little i think and now my PH is out of control it's down to 4.2 from 5.6 last night. I've added some PH up to bing back into range, I'd love to flush them but the PH of my water is too high and I've run out of Ph down. It should arrive tomorrow or tues and i'll flush them and see what happens. not cool


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