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Guest Eikel
Could you recomend any seed strains that would be well suited for outdoor growing?


Well, I believe any strain is well suited to outdoor growing - they've evolved to grow outdoors, not indoors B)


But, generally people say Sativa-dominant strains do the best outdoors, however...

I yielded over an ounce from an Indica-dominant plant that had spent 3 weeks under lights before being moved outside in March (the very end of the grow-cycle).


And if so, any decent aussie seed bank sites?

I realy do hate dealing with international orders ect.


keep it aussie!


http://justkutz.cjb.net/ - JustKutz will provide clones, not seeds as far as I'm aware.


http://assc.mysticgarden.org/ - Supposively the "Australian Seed Swap Club", thus far however I'm unimpressed with the site.


Alternatively, become friendly with someone who grows and ask them to get you some seeds.


Hope this helps!

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if you don't wish to start seddling in pots, i reccomend you germinate seeds first before planting in paper towel (or any of the other methods you'll find on this site) and then planting seed root down about half an inch into the soil. this way you know the seed has germinated and you will only need one in a pot instead of possible havin a few seedlings in one pot.
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