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:: Au Natural ::

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I have been uber keen the last few months to give growing a shot.


Caus to be honest, im realy tired of paying money for a weed.


I have considered doing the whole indoor growning thing, and after a bit of thinking i have decided that its just not for me.


I dont have a large amount of income to support lighting systems or any of that serious equiptment.


All i want is a decent ounce or 2 to kick me off and basicly have a bit of fun.


Has any one previously just let their grass take its own course?


If so would you mind sharing a few hints / tricks?


Also some cover up tips would be much apreciated.

Im not all that keen on prudly displaying my bounty to the neighbourhood.





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go to your hydro store and pickup a pack of ph up and down and then go to a pet shop and in the fish area, they should have cheap bottles of the ph tester...the tester included in the pack is piss weak in size and you will need to replace it soon enough....


apart from that, get soil, a pot and stick it out in the sun :sly

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save your self a trip and get a dropper tester from your hydro shop , just about all of the stores i know of stock them and they are less than $5, I would also only bother with ph down , the amount of times I have used phup are slim to none , it's really for if you mess up , but if you ask me ballancing out your ph out using both the ph up and phdown isn't a very good move , you want as few non nutrient chemicals as possible ( not including things like oxy pythoff ect )


For food I would look at how your gonna grow it , if your goign to leave it unatended I would sugest usign some slow release ferts , yates has a product called dynamic lifter if your after a packaged alternative , I would personaly use that and a bit of blood and bone a but of peate to hold in moisture and then the spoil of my choice, however if your not afraid to get your hands dirty and makiong up your own mixes then I would definatly look into manures, havign eighter choice or a mix of both like I do in your soil will cover your plant in the way of nutes all you need to do is check on her to make sure she is takign up all she needs


To be continued when I get to work ... gotta run B)

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hey buddy, It really doesnt cost alot to setup.

My whole setup cost me about $200 second hand, I then slowly replaced everything to end up with all new stuff and good stuff.


Powerwise a 400 doesnt make a huge difference.


Hydro can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be.


but if money is an issue then yea a bit of potting mix, and a big pot. Put outside will give ya buds.

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it can be quiet cheap to set up a hydro setup

clay balls @$14

plastic baskets for medium @ $3 ea

pump @ $20

bit of piping and hose look in the garden

so thats about $40 plus light plus nutes,

could be done for $200 easy, 4 crops a year instead of 1, and much safer than growiing outdoor for 6 to 9 months for one crop

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I would still prefer to set this up naturly rather than fuck around with hydro beds ect.


Thanks for all that advice.

I am deffinatly more keen to give outdoor growing a go now.


just in regards to natural pests:


whats the deal with insects ect.

Are there any natural deterants that you guys know of?


We have 2 large citrus trees in out back yard and they usualy get swamped with stink bugs duyring the hot seasons.


Oh and speaking of seasons..


Its just hit winter, and i was pretty keen to get this happening in the next week or 2.


Would starting a grow during winter be a bad call?


Cheers Peoples!



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Guest Eikel
I would still prefer to set this up naturly rather than fuck around with hydro beds ect.


Thanks for all that advice.

I am deffinatly more keen to give outdoor growing a go now.


Its just hit winter, and i was pretty keen to get this happening in the next week or 2.


Would starting a grow during winter be a bad call?


Cheers Peoples!


Yep, bad call - the plant would most likely autoflower after germination due to the reduced light hours.


"Plant on Fathers Day, Harvest on Mothers Day".


You could always wait until mid-august, germinate the seeds under fluros for a few weeks and then plant them outside in September.


If you want to grow now (as in this season), growing under lights is about your only option.

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Guest Eikel
Whats the deal with natural germination?


If i just pop a bunch of seeds in my soil is it likely to germinate well?


Yep, basically.


You would probably be better off starting them in small pots (250ml is big enough) in a seed-raising mix.


I paid $6 for a 3ltr bag of seed-raising mix for my local nursery when I germinated some of mine in soil. About the only difference is (supposively) seed-raising mix contains "rooting hormones".

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