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Leaf for bait?

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are fish stoners or do they just like the taste of leaf? according to a cannabis culture story about a man who got arrested with 60 odd grams of leaf, the man claimed it was for bait and that he and many people he knows all use hemp leaf for bait :scratchin


i think he just like to roll a few joints while he was fishing but wanted to be able to drive back home so he smokes leaf :P


Cannabis Culture Story

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Guest Eikel

The "Fat Pizza" show on SBS had something like this in one of their episodes.


The guys all went out fishing and one of them had made up berley which had crumbled weed right through it. There's a funny scene where one of the other guys rolls up a joint from the fish-guts/cannabis berley.


Not really what you were asking, but in the show they said that "the fish love the stuff!".

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on king of the hill, hank's fishing shop was closing down due to another wall mart or something moving in and was referred to another guy who makes his own bait up...hank gets confused as he is looking on the wrong corner and ends up buying some crack...


the fish go ballistic over it and when hank pulls one of them off his hook, it bites back down and starts to suck on the hook :P


i love shows where animals take drugs :P especially the animal planet special that i have only seen the once, they had all kinds of aminals taking natural drugs like this big bunch of cats, must have been atleast 30 of them, they found a massive patch of catnip and before long, they were all froathing at the mouth, rolling around and purring their heads off ::P:

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