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how much $ to run a 250w light ?

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how much would it cost to run a 250w light 12/12 and how much for 18/6 :P


because i'm doing a stealth grow and i dont want my parentss to find it. the grow is out in the shed in ajn old wardrobe (only growing in half wardrfobe though)


and i need the cheapest light available. :P


i just picked up za 250w HPS and i was wondering how much it'd cost to run it for thoes time lenghts..



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It depends on what your electricity company charges per kW/h.


Have a look at your last electricity bill. Their price per kW/h should be there somewhere on the bill. If not divide the total cost of the bill by the number of kW you used.


Then multiply the cost per kW/h X 0.25 = cost per hour to run light.


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just use the formula rossopico sugested looking on your electrical bill for your specific charges


if your after a reason for the increase in the power bill though 250 watt is very easy to explain just tell them you upgraded your computers power supply to 300w or 400w ( probably is anyway)


You will find that very few peopel actually take notice of the jump in use for these winter months particularly if they run any sort of heating

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i'd say about $50 over 3 months...was told a 400watt averages around $70 and 600watt around $90 so i assume thats fairly accurate...


you wont notice it on the bill, if anything your parents would be all "oh lil bit higher than last month, must be cause its winter" you'll totally get away with it :P


but make sure there is no smell, light or noise otherwise the game will be up :thumbdown if that happens, tell them that either you can grow your own, save tons of money, etc or you can go to a dealer and risk smoking some pot laced with herion or crack for all you know, its a safety thing :sly that changed my parents from 0 plants to 1 plant :P, had 5 but still was allowed one from none :P

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