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hookahs are they any good

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I personaly find my weed is less harsh if im smoking it green...


ill also agree that the high from a green cone is much more enjoyable than that of a spun cone.


In regards to using leaf:


I have spun with leaf a few times and find the taste absolutly disgusting.


On a whole i think this whole debate comes down to personal prefrence.


if your supplier is providing you with weed that needs to be spun to make it burn well then they're not drying and curing correctly.


I dont think thats the case.


I find if im roaching up a spliff, with even the freshest, highest quality budd iv had from mullumbimby it will also side burn if it isnt spun with a thiner medium.


I have no probs with people smoking their 'erb green, and like i said i enjoy it more myself.


But i am also the kind of smoker that will sit there infront of my bowl smoking untill it is completely empty.


And i find that when i mix in some spin it goes that bit further.


Once again, personal prefrence.



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yeah i still stick my spin. I don't know whether that is true in regards to the way the mj lights, as many dense strains i.e. Hash plant, has trouble staying lit, without spin that is.

I just use it cos that what I grew up on and can't turn back now cos i can't handle greenies.prefer the taste and the high, but not the hacking up after. I guess if i originally smoked without spinning to start with, i'd be in the more 'old school' aus stoner generations. But oh well, I love me weed. ::blink::

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Hey nicoteine is only more addictive than heroin and kills more people, c'mon guys, the government needs some kind of recreational drug to make legal so they can get the tax. And every other drug is strictly for law breaking hethans. Fuck tobacco, it helps John Howard. Herb is better without Nicoteine. Nicoteine isn't even a drug its classed as a poison, or so I heard. But hey each there own. They should legagalise pot and crimminalise tobacco. ciggarette companies don't care about us only $$$$$$$$. Each their own though!
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Hookahs are ok, but give me a good pyrex bong anyday.
An ice one, made by Agung is my personal fave :P Hookahs are good for party tricks, but the bigger they are, the more of a pain they can be too....... I got a unicorn 4 person hookah, but have only used it a handful of times :P Just easier to pack the bong and pass it along!

As for spin......well, I'll admit to spinning mine out lately, but only because there's absolutley NO weed around metro Perth and I'm about out :P That sucks! I don't like weed spun as a rule, tobacco is pretty damn harmful. I like the way NEUROTOXIN puts it:

Hey nicoteine is only more addictive than heroin and kills more people, c'mon guys, the government needs some kind of recreational drug to make legal so they can get the tax. And every other drug is strictly for law breaking hethans. Fuck tobacco, it helps John Howard. Herb is better without Nicoteine. Nicoteine isn't even a drug its classed as a poison, or so I heard. But hey each there own. They should legagalise pot and crimminalise tobacco. ciggarette companies don't care about us only $$$$$$$$. Each their own though!
Mind boggling, isn't it? We're criminals for something completley natural that WE choose to smoke, but cigs and alcohol are legal, and doctors hand out ritilan (ADD Meds, amphetimine based) like candy as well as opiates and diet pills (duromine, synthetic pharmaceutical speed)........and WE'RE meant to be in the wrong?? :D Considering there is officially no recorded deaths from MJ, as well as no possible way to OD, I think someone has fucked up with their maths somewhere down the line (*CoughCough* American propaganda has done wonders too for the fight to legalize)......... :whistling
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Considering there is officially no recorded deaths from MJ, as well as no possible way to OD, I think someone has fucked up with their maths somewhere...


Nah, you're wrong there Chev, it is VERY much possible, all you need to OD on pot is smoke 5000 joints at once.........


:P :P


And I'm sure we've all been there..... :P


Aside from how hard it is to overdose, we've also got the arguement that if we eat or vape weed it's nearly 100% healthy (i'm not quite sure, there could be some minor health probs with vaping/eating, but still NOWHERE in the league of Alcohol, Ciggarettes, Painkillers, etc.


Sorry :P I've been ranting haven't I.... :D

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