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hookahs are they any good

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Buy some fucking nice mollases and use that with your budds instead of regular spin.



Are you implying that when you smoke a bong or hookah you put tobacco in with the weed? :blink:


does that not taste like shit compared to just bud. :scratchin


although i can imagine how some shisha may be okay with it occasionally :smoke

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blech, tobacco.



I tend to agree with this statement. The less backy you use when smoking bud the better.


Smoking bud with tobacco is a completely different high from bud by itself, it seems to be 'heavier' and more lathargic whereas smoking bud by itself is a more uplifting kind of high (trippy) :thumbsup

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I spin 'cause the weed is too harsh and "green" to put it simply. I always cough my guts up when ever i smoke lightly spun weed. Generally go for 50/50. I'm a cigarette smoker thou so the average spin ration would be 60/40-65/35. I find that if your coughing from a bong then it is generally to do with spin and the next time you cough from smoking try this trick. Just add one butt's worth of tobacco(out of your ash tray)...the taste of the butt'baccy is heaps stronger (taste/aroma) so by only spinning with a little you eliminate the coughing caused by irritation of ur lungs by the "green" smoke.


I know most of you are already cringing at the thought ...but hey if it works.

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yeah im with dicey to an extent. I find that if i don't spin my weed with any tobacco at all, i cough my whole up after romping a decent sized cone.


On the other hand, I do not like to mix much tobacco in as it takes away the actual weed smell, taste and high. It does hit you in the head more (nicotine). But the nicotine also gets you addicted.


I'm about an 70/30 ratio spinner. 70 weed 30 tobacco (only rolling, not cigz).

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THE only reason you should cough your whole is because it's really good shit (and a real big hit) or hasn't been cured properly.


I used to cough with weed, but that was back in the day when i'd take weed off a plant, sundry for an hour or two then smoke it, haha. If you've cured your weed for a month or more properly, it will be extremely smooth.


As for spin...yuk!! And if you want your weed to go further you can "bulk it up" with leaf. It's like spinning for the true stoner, hehe.


Btw, dicey, nice scone roll.

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To each their own, we cannot judge another for using tobacco in their cones. If someone comes to my place I'll ask if they want spin or not, and adjust mixes accordingly. Although it's been entirely too long since that happened now, with my personal supply cut off because of those bastard rippers. Grrr.


Hookahs are ok, but give me a good pyrex bong anyday.


You heard they're thinking of banning "hubble-bubble" (what they call hookahs in the middle east) in some mid-eastern countries? They claim it's a "corrupting influence". ;) Like there aren't enough other things out there that are causing harm, like bombs and troops. I'd want to come home and toke on a hookah too if I lived there. :blink:

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And if your supplier is providing you with weed that needs to be spun to make it burn well then they're not drying and curing correctly. MJ should burn cleanly and leave a small white ash behind, not be hard to burn.


Chopping your weed finer may help a bit more. :blink:


Oh yeah, and I agree that smoking with tobacco is a different experience, although I find it a little more invigorating if anything. Kind of ironic that we mix a bronchial dialator with a substance that clogs up and closes the bronchioles. ;)

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