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hookahs are they any good

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i was in joint venture the otherday down in the city and was looking at hookah's.

i have never smoked out of one and was not sure what they were like .. to smoke . i was considering buying a three hose one to share with my mates ,I really only have three friends i like to toke with. any more ppl and i start to freak out :detective2:


but yeah .. some feedback perhaps on quality of smoke, experience, um reccomendations. ta



bong on australia \M/:devilred:\m/


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They are a bit of a waste.


I have had one for a few months now, and i hardly use it.


Its good for special occasions, like if u have a fair few of your mates around, its a fucking great novelty to whip out this big fucking hookah (mine is huge).


However there are so many negatives that u want to look at before splurging money on a decent one.


They are fucking messy.

I have burnt so many holes in my carpet due to the coal falling of the top of the ceramic peice.


They are quite large, and tend to get knocked over by clumsy stoners.


On the pluss however:


They are a fucking tasty smoke.

Buy some fucking nice mollases and use that with your budds instead of regular spin.


They get you totaly fucked... but its not like a bong hit, if your gona compare it to anything, its more like a joint hit.... it gradualy works its way up on you and its one of the greatest highs iv ever had, besides some realy awesome brownies i made once.


But even if you arent using it for a budd smoko, the tobacco tastes realy good, and is a fairly enjoyable smoko .


Just make sure u weigh up the pros and cons before u get one, because i baught mine thinking it was going to replace my bong, and it didnt, i am way to lazy to set it up, when my ceramic is right next to me, handy and fast to set up.


hookas take a long time to set up, the coal takes a long fucking time to get to a rquired heat, and this can be tedious when u realy want a smoke.


Hope this was helpfull!





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I used a hookah once and it was all fine and well until one of the people took their mouth off to cough, when you are pulling hard the last thing you need is someone to "take their finger off the shotty" when you least expect it. Needless to say, we were all choking on the floor for about five minutes.
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Hookas are really cool IMO. They look nice sitting in your house (although they are illegal in QLD) and they are social and fun. I have never used one for cananbis, and I dont smoke tobacco except once a year when I go to Burning Man and every year there is a camp called "The Hooka Dome" and its the beautiful camp that is this giant geodesic dome filled with pillows of all colours and designs and 8 or so hookas all around the inside. You just walk in and sit down or lay back on the pillows, grab a hose and put one of the many sanitary disposable mouth pieces sitting in a basket and puff away and meet new people, it's great. All the hookas are filled with an apple molasses tobacco which you dont really inhale but let it float around in your mouth so you get the taste.
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blech, tobacco.


Hooka's are mad. I've only used a proper one once with a mate (and it does suck when they pull off to cough, but) otherwise it was mad. You pack a mega-large cone and just sit there cranking through it, never had a problem with spilling any. In fact, i'd say it's probably less wasteful than a normal bong, because you don't lose any smoke.


I once made a hookah out of a plastic bottle, some hoses and shit, it was pretty good too, except the conepiece was shit, so we rolled joints, put 'em straight in the hole at the top and pulled 'em through. Worked really well.


Two thumbs up for hookah's from me (2 Thumbs down 4 Price!!)

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