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Police Raid Home of Medical Marijuana Activist

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Source: Associated Press


Police raided the home of a medical marijuana activist and seized about 13 pounds of the drug, more than 100 plants and more than $11,000. However, no arrests were made.


On Tuesday, police searched the home of Dion Markgraaff, a 33-year-old marijuana user who once ran a cannabis club in Ocean Beach. Markgraaff and his roommate, who was not identified, were both considered by police to be qualified medical marijuana patients. Both men were allowed to keep one plant each and an ounce of marijuana between them.


The amount of marijuana found at Markgraaff's home appears to be permissible under the city plan developed in response to Proposition 215, the state initiative that approved medical marijuana. The drug remains illegal under federal law.


"We found evidence that indicates cultivation and selling of marijuana," said police Lt. Cesar Solis. "Qualified patients do have a right to marijuana, but they don't have the right to stockpile large amounts."


City council members will consider recommendations next month that would propose guidelines which medical marijuana patients could grow and possess the drug.


In October, the council's Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee approved a measure allowing patients to possess 72 plants and three pounds of marijuana. Caregivers also would be allowed to have 90 plants and up to nine pounds of the drug.


Markgraaff, who uses marijuana to alleviate symptoms of diabetes, served probation after pleading guilty to a charge of maintaining a place where pot is distributed.


Tuesday's raid will be forwarded to the District Attorney's office, which will decide whether to file charges against Markgraaff and his roommate.

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