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CAT Cannabinoid Analysis Test

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CAT Cannabinoid Analysis Test





Toronto: 2005




CAT (working title) Cannabinoid Analysis Test kits are being launched in Toronto in May 2005. CAT could revolutionize the already-legal medical cannabis market in Canada.




CAT is a quick, easy-to-use and affordable cannabis analysis test kit that will now be available across Canada and online at www********. Not only is CAT itself inexpensive to buy, it uses only a tiny sample--100milligrams--of the cannabis (or 50mg of resin) to be analyzed, and provides a qualitative assay (report) on the presence of THC and 5 other cannabinoids: THV, CBC, CBG, CBD, and CBN. CAT also measures the amount of acids, giving an indicator of how ‘fresh’ or ‘old’ the sample is. Results are determined in under an hour. CAT also contains everything you need to determine % THC (potency). Private lab tests, if available, require larger samples, are very expensive, and results can take anywhere from a week to a month. Furthermore, private labs, lacking confidentiality obligations to their clientele, are security risks.




For breeders, growers, medical cannabis clubs, and consumers alike, the benefits of such a kit are immediately obvious--over and above its ease of use and affordability, CAT promotes harm reduction and the effective use of cannabis.


Using the CAT's analyses:


* breeders can test for quality control, breeding traits, and quantify results of breeding and hybridization


* growers can use CAT to a) measure up-to-the-minute levels of their plants to determine ideal harvest time and end product quality and :detective2: quality control


* medical cannabis consumers and clubs can track cannabinoid content of their menu items and establish which strain can target specific symptoms for a specific member – a.k.a. strain-symptom correlation




CAT will be available through retail stores and online and will make its marketing debut at Toronto's Global Marijuana March at Noon on Saturday, May 7, 2005, North Park, behind the Legislature, University Avenue.




Cannabinoids are, simply put, therapeutic compounds found in cannabis. A variety or ‘strain’ of cannabis that, for example, controls seizure may not be a helpful strain in controlling nausea. Matching the specific strain to the specific symptom has always been elusive at best. CAT is a powerful tool in determining these relationships. There are over 60 cannabinoidal compounds known to research, and they are organized into categories or ‘classes’ called Cannabinoids, which are known mainly by their 3-letter abbreviations. There are currently hundreds of strains of cannabis commercially available.




Small CAT kit SRP is $**** and contains approximately 10 tests


Large CAT kit SRP is $**** and contains approximately 55 tests




Retail and Wholesale inquiries welcome




For more information contact info@cannabisclub.ca






In progress:




“So You Want Analyze Your Own


Medical Cannabis”


The How-To video (<a href="/CAT/CAT_how_to_Apr25.mpg>.mpg format - 100Mb)






!!coming soon!!






Step-by-Step instructions


1) Cannabinoid Analysis aka Fingerprint


2) % THC






How Does CAT work? What do the dots mean, maaaan?


or…. The Plant, Not Your Urine!!






Compare Your results with the “Pros”












What else can I test for??






TAC – en francais












north american debut


now affordable


medical cannabis




for atp medical holders


easy to use


qualitative not quantitative


harm reduction


strain-symptom correlation




acids (freshness)




revolutionize the medical cannabis industry


for growers, consumers, and breeders, medical clubs


quality control


ahead of the government

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Moved to Cannabis Research.


Great to see someone's done this, it's something that will sell like crazy amongst the conniseurs.


I for one would certainly use it in breeding by only allowing those plants with a preset limit amongst seedlings. The fact that it could be done quickly and easily will make that job a lot better for those of us wishing to improve our strains through selective breeding.


Would be great to know if you could make a direct corelation between thc and other cannabiniod profiles and percentages of say 4th week vegetative leaf and the finished product at the end of flowering. I don't think you can, as some plants don't even begin major cannabinoid production until mid flowering, but it would be great to be able to tell if you've got a good "profile" of cannabinoids at least in the early stages of growth....


Thanks for that one mr asia.

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That realyl doesn't seem too bad inthe cost department , when you consider what it actually is and if it was legal to test it all in a lab how much they would charge for that B)



Me thinks I'll have to try it out , will probably wait a few months though untill peopel who find bugs in it have time to voice themselfs

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