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thanks to mj i no longer have to go see a shrink about my anger "problems" and sleeping "problems" and my "eating disorder" i went in today and came clean that the reason i have been doing so well is that i have been smoking pot she said as long as it works which it seems to be then i only need to come in if i have a problem and also that she would recomend it to other patients even though we are in the us in a state that its not legal for any pourpose time togo smoke a joint
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If you met me before mj, I would be completely different. Imagine a big shoe box of pills for pain, but they don't work. I was drugged out and still in hell. I was stuck in the world of exstisting and I have kids to raise until I found mj.

I'm lucky to live in medical mj state (in the US). mmj helps me with fibromyaglia (Chonic Pain), PTSD, panick attacks. I would be dead by now w/out mmj from starvation. I can go for about 5 days before I remember to eat . mmj always reminds me to eat and to hold it down. I almost lost a friend to cancer, but thanks to mmj she could eat and hold it down. she made it. another friend used mj to get off of herion by lessing the withdraws of that poison.

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And they wonder why we want it legalized?


The amount of people I've seen it cure of Chronic depression and anxiety is crazy, cancer patients too. When people talk to them about doing something illegal they all say, fuck it my health is more important than some prehistoric law which ridicules the intellect of today's society. It'd be nice to see this plastered all over the news, though, as it would be great publicity.


I'm lucky enough to be seeing a counsellor who is a pot smoker herself. So instead of talking about my "problems" we just talk philosophy. It's great and funny too in a way, my counsellor does the same thing i'm in there for.



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I found that many pshyciatrists suport thier patients smoking, it is particularly usefull for treating those slight cases of add or adhd and naturally agression , and it's a damn sight better than ritilan dexamphets or somethign liek orap if your particularly violent all that stuff seriously fucks with your head AND eating cycles


ofcourse if your bi-polar or in a deepstate of depression they probably won't sugest you continue the use and even beign a user of the drug myself I would agree at least on a medical level

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