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:) Wednesday, July 17, 2002

By BEVERLEY WARE - The Daily News


A former soldier who helped keep the peace in Cyprus is now fighting the Canadian government for the right to smoke marijuana.


Herbert Wilson, 38, of Chester says he needs to grow marijuana so he can smoke it to combat pain from a back condition he got while in the Canadian Forces.


Wilson served as a peacekeeper in Cyprus in 1988, as a member of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. He was awarded the United Nations Peacekeeping Medal, Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and Nobel Peace Prize Medal.


He has been charged with one count of production of a controlled substance. If convicted, he could face up to seven years in prison.


Wilson said the charge has already cost him a job as a labourer.


The single father hurt his back moving army supplies for 10 years. A CAT scan shows he has degenerative disk disease in his lower back, he said.


He left the Armed Forces years ago, and recently turned to marijuana to deal with the pain.


Wilson freely admits he grows his own marijuana, but said it is not a crime.


"They want me to have a criminal record for doing something that ameliorates my suffering," he said.


Wilson said he’ll fight the charge in Nova Scotia Supreme Court in Bridgewater tomorrow.


He smokes up to two ounces a month: "I have a puff here, a puff there. I, by no means, abuse it."


Wilson had been given nine different prescription painkillers. He said they made him sick, gave him cramps, constipation and diarrhea. The stronger ones put him in a haze, making him "non-productive and zombie-like."


Then he tried marijuana.


"It was amazing, the relief it gave me-it was just like the pain melted away," Wilson said.


"I was sitting there waiting for the mind-altering psychoactive thing to make me go crazy, and nothing happened. They’re demonizing it."


Wilson said he’s not a dope-head. A member of Mensa Canada, he said: "I’m not stupid; I’m not some dope-smoking lunatic."


He wants to apply for an exemption from the federal government that permits him to smoke marijuana for medical reasons, but his doctor won’t sign the forms. Wilson said his doctor told him he doesn’t want to be held responsible if something happens.


Wilson said he’ll fight the case himself, arguing Ottawa doesn’t have the authority to ban pot.


He said the Constitution says Canada is founded on a principle that recognizes the supremacy of God. And, he said, Genesis 1:29 in the Bible says: "I give you every seed-bearing herb on the face of the Earth ... They will be yours for meat."


Britain just announced it will effectively decriminalize cannabis by next summer.


Canadian Justice Minister Martin Cauchon is considering relaxing Canada’s marijuana laws to make possession punishable by a fine rather than prison.


But Cauchon said he does not plan to make dope legal.


Copied from :D http://www.medicalmarihuana.ca/veteran.html

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Back injuries can be managed with proper stretching and lifting techniques. I know of a friends mother who does the same thing. She leaves it as a last resort after all else fails but every time the pain is relieved immedeatly 1 or 2 more smokes and she is right for at least 12 months. Why is it the pharmeucitical companies come up with all these different pills for this condition and then produce so-called scientific info than says pot should be illegal because of its harmful side-effects? Would this be called getting rid of your opposition?
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g'day; i reckon Canadians be just as offended as aussies in same situation.

but anyway.....i am going to Canadia in june, i'll try post while i'm gone.cant wait, is trip of lifetime ;)

need someone to look after your plants while you're gone? :P


seriously, I had a holiday in Canada a few years ago and the place and people are fantastic. you'll have a great time.

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