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Volcano Vapourizer

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I used a high fan setting in the video. The temp was set to 192. However, I really recommend lowering the temperature to 169C, and putting the fan on medium for the first 2 bags, then increase the temperature by 10 degrees Celcius for the next bag, and possibly increase the temperature by 5 degrees Celcius for the one after that, depending on how light the vapor is. By this time, your herb will possibly be spent. However, a lot of the above will depend on the dryness inherent in your herb. If you're using really dry herb, you'll have to start with a higher temperature.


One other note, I'd definitely keep the unit under 200C. Not for any other reason than it just wastes your herb because it uses it up too quickly. If you like really smoky vapor, that temperature will definitely get you there, however.


I used to like obtaining a really smoky vapor, but I found the higher temps just cause you to go through your herb faster and, if you do it right, you can achieve the same effect at lower temps.

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