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Volcano Vapourizer

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its cool that this thread exists, I thought I might be the only one with a Volcano due to their price and shipping costs and customs tax and such.


I am extremely experienced with the volcano for the following reasons, not trying to brag, just want to show my credentials as I have some very different answers to what people have been asking on here. So with that being said, I have been using the Volcano for over 2 years, and my store was the first store to introduce the Volcano to Vancouver and we became ofofficialesellers of the Volcano and thus I became very familiar with the product and was in regular e-mail conversations wtwithhe inventor and manufacturing company, constantly asking various questions (such as those posed on this forum) and getting the answers directly from the source.


So now to answer some questions.


1. The reason for the temperature dial is because the Volcano is not inintendedo be used for Cannabis, if it was the engineers would have probably set it at a fixed temperature or not allowed such a variable range of temperatures. In Germany, their national health care plans involves holistic things like aromatherapy and vaporization, thus the Volcano is intended to be used with a all kinds of herbs and plants, each of which has its own melting/vavaporisationoint and thus the wide range of temperature settings. In fact our vapour bar in my store in Vancouver, we didnt supply cannabis, people brought in their own to use in our Volcanos, however we did supply lots of other herbs for people that didnt have or use cannabis.


One of the more popular ones that I did everyday as well as mixing with cannabis was lavender, which is extremely tasty, refreshing and heals damaged lung tissue. After about a year of using only the Volcano and not taking smoke into my lungs, plus doing lavender on a regular basis, I could really feel a major difference in my lungs, I had more lung power and could run further and longer, it was great. The volcano is an aamazingmedical device


Another thing that the Volcano is good for is replacing thing you would normally make an herbal tea out of. Now granted tea for the sake of drinking tea to get the flavour great, the Volcano is not meant to replace the physical pleasure of sitting back and relaxing with a nice hot cup of tea. However where medical reasons are concerned the Volcano is a great rreplacementfor tea. The reason being is that when you drink an herbal tea in order to get its medicinal benefits, it first has to go tthroughyour digestive system which can take hours and you lose a lot of the mmedicinein that process, especially if you have food in your stomach as the tea/mmedicineaabsorbsinto the food and gets passed out as piss and poo.


So for example every morning at work, I would vaporize a Volcano chamber full of roobois tea which is a natural stimulant, safer than ccaffeineand I would also vaporize rose hips which contain a lot of Vitamin C, which is also a natural pick me up (thats why you get that great feeling of alertness after having had orange juice). But rather than waiting for the vitamin C to be aabsorbedand processed through my ddigestsystem, I got the effects instantly.


Another really good example is my ffriendBubble Man, has 3 kids, and the first two, after she gave birth she would drink a tea of this special cconcoctionof herbs that would repair her uterus, however she said they tasted really vile and nasty, so once the Volcano came around, after she had her third kid, she was able to vvaporizethe same herbs instead, no nasty taste and they worked more potently since they dindt have to go tthroughher digestive system.


And I could go on and on with examples, I did lots of different herbs and plants (both medicinal and recreation of all types) in the Volcano and did lots of experimenting and used the Volcano for headaches by vaping white willow leaves (natural aaspirin and so on and so on...


But anyway, thats why there is the range of temps. My only negative comment at all with the VVolcano is why the graphic around the dial is numbers rather than that of temperature degrees. It wwouldn'thave cost them any more and would make so much more ssense


Now then as for cannabis temperature settings, this is an areas that myself and Bubbleman, as well as other friends spent a lot of time with when we first got the Volcano and figured out what worked best and what didnt work. Our experiments led us to figuring out that the perfect vvaporizationtemperature is between 5 and 6, going between those two numbers depending on they dryness of your bud, and with 6 being a good setting for vvaporizinghash, however if your ggoingto vvaporizehash, its best to put down a small bed of weed so the hash ddoesn'tmelt through the screen and powder the hash up first, ddon'tstick in a chunk as you want the maximum surface area of the has to get hit by the hot air.


You defdefinitelyO NOT* want to crank the dial, nor shoshouldur bag be filled with smoke or even what you might call thick vapour, as this is comcompletelyfeating the purpose of the Volcano and vapovaporizationgeneral. As you are not vapovaporizingn this happens, you are burning the cannabis and creating carbon, tar, smoke, etc which is what you are seeing visually in the bag. When you fill a bag up with vapor, it should literally look like there is nothing in there but clean air, thats the whole point of vapovaporizationto not have the tar and carbon, just clean pure air with vapovaporized resin. When you suck in the air from the bag, it really should just have a nice, light, clean, canacannanbiste, and thats it.


I love passing the bag around to people new to the Volcano and them suckin in what they think is just air and not getting anything, and their like "I'm not high, this dinddind'tanything" and then I explain that when you vvaporizethe high creeps up on you and sure enough a few mins later they are baked out of their skull. Think about it, when you take in a huge smokey toke off a bong and you get that really fucked up, high, messed up in the head feeling, thats not the THC, thats the oxygen deprevation to your brain, and then you notice after a bit that fucked up feeling wears off, because your getting the oxy back to your brain and then the nice, plespleasurablenabis high overtakes you, that is the THC. So with vapovaporizationu are skipping that whole oxygen deprevation part and just getting that nice cannabis THC high which takes a min or two to be processed by your bloodstream and affect your brain.


Another thing I really wanted to address is that somosomeonetioned how they are filling the entire chamber with cannabis and that is so unceunnecessary a waste of your weed and defeats anotanother of the great aspects of having a high end vapovaporizere the Volcano is that it is *extremely* effefficient your weed stash. All you have do with the Volcano is sprinkle just enough weed into it to cover the screen with a couple mm of cannabis, that is all ! From that little tiny bit of weed, I can fill up three bags (at temp level 5.5) and those 3 bags will totally bake a small group of friends. I would say with the Volcano you use 3 to 4 times less weed than you would with directly smoking it, as you lose a lot of your weed in the burning process a lot of the THC litliterallyes up in smoke. Thus with the Volcano, it is like havhavingto 4 times more weed in your stash or what you have lasts 3 to 4 times longer depdepending how you look at it. This was always one of the best selling points I showed customers who were not sure if they wanted to spend $1000, that the Volcano would pay for itself in the making your stash stretch futfathers well as pay for it in terms of the health benefits. The Volcano is a really good investment IMO.


So anyway, don't fill that chamber all the way up as your just wasting your weed, and if you have your temp setting too high and are creating smoke, your also wasting the weed and defeating the purpose of vavaporizationhich you just spend a $1000 on, might as well have stayed with a lower cost pipe if your still going to be taking smoke into your lungs. The thing is, and this was probably *the* biggest obobstaclee had with selling the Volcano and Vriptech and other vaporisers was that people really were used to and enjoyed taking those big smokey hits, which is fine, every cannabis toker has their prpreferenceI still enjoy smoking bubble hash (which is more pure and better on your lungs than cannabis leaf). So I can understand wanting to have that smokey hit and heck I still want people to buy my glass pipes :peace: but I am just saying that if your making the step towards vavaporizationeven casually, then you should do it correctly and make sure that there is not any smoke in your vavaporizationechnique.


One last word on the chamber, you might ask, well if were only supposed to but a tiny bit of weed in the chamber, why is the chamber so big, and that question is answered by what I said above where the Volcano is meant to be used with lots of different herbs, and most herbs, unlike cannabis do not have a high resin to plant matter ratio, so you need a lot of herb to get a little bit of resin, but cannabis is grown to have a high ratio of resin to plant matter, and thus you need very little.


Lastly someone else said that there has never been any official research on the medical benefits of vavaporizationr if it is actually better than smoking, which is ccompletelyuntrue. UUnfortunatelyI don't have the documents on me, or even their names that I could give to you as they are all back in the store in Vancouver, but we did have a library of documentation from medical journals about the benefits of vaporization and vaporisors have been used in hospitals and their use documented, and even more interesting is we had a huge report done by Phillip Morris (the tobacco company) about a new vaporizing cigarette they had created as an alternative to smoking, it was really trippy as it looked like a cigarette, but the filter had a little heating device built into it that would warm the tobacco, but not burn it and you could suck in the vaporized flavour and nicotine, and you could tell in the report they spent a lot of money and did a lot of research and testing into it and the report showed how it was better on your lungs and health and they were designing this because of the people who were quitting smoking or not starting because they are concerned about their health. Anyway, my point is there is alot of quality research out there, and a simple web search would probably turn a lot of it up.


So I hope that answered everything and if there are any more questions, please ask, and this all applies to the Vriptech as well as they are equal machines IMO, the Volcano is just in a nicer, easier to use, attractive package.

Edited by Meerkat
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Lots of golden nuggets of info in that post B) nice one meerkat.



It's not often someone will go through such detail. Bravo!



If I was only a little richer I would stretch my budget to get a volcano for sure. Their reputation exceeds them. However, I'm not in a situation financially to be able to afford one B) also, it's a choice between buying a cheaper vape (vapir one) and buying some buds to use it with... or getting a volcano and being without any smoko whatsoever (I know which one I'd choose :peace:)

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IMO, if you cant afford a high quality vapororizor that actually vaporises and doesnt get too hot and burn the weed or is too low and doesnt do anything, you are far better off sticking with a pipe (a glass one preferable, plug plug :peace:


Its a shame that health alternatives is something only those with money can afford. Fortunetly I got my volcano and other cool paraphenaila back when I had money, as I am broke now B) But back in canada, we were trying to get the Volcano recognized as a medical device by Health Canada so that it someone was able to show that they needed one for medical reasons they could have it paid for by the national health care plan.

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Geez Meerkat thanks for the wealth of info, that was great.


I've been looking into getting a vape, partly health reasons, but also to try and get high....differently.


After a lot of looking around i found that THC's Boiling Point is 200 degrees celsius, whereas CBD is 187-190 degrees celsius and CBN and other cannabinoids are lower than that.

Using a vape with the temps written on it, you could evaporate all the moisture and CBD and CBN from bud, then crank it up to 200 degrees and get pure THC. Thereotically, this high should be more "intense or trippy" than the usual one. As THC is the biggest (only?) hallucinogen in cannabis and CBD in essence cancels out the "up high" with it's "couch lock" effects.


I am wondering, is the Volcano (or any other vape) sensitive enough with the dial, that one could differentiate between 190 degrees and 200?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: Anyone with the weed/vape/time to try this out, I'd be really interested to hear of the results.

Edited by Infinitee
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Interesting post infinitee B) I will definately give that theory a shot when I get my vape.


The only advantage I see the vapir one unit having over the volcano is the fact that you can adjust the temperature to however you like it (IIRC I think it's operating temps are betweeen 200-400 degrees fahrenheit or 93-204 degrees celsius with increments of +/- 4 degrees) not to say the volcano cannot be adjusted... it's just hard to know exactly what temperature you're on, even though it has pretty numbers on the dial B)



That's pretty much the only thing it has going for it though :P I can't wait to get a vape, it's definately for health reasons and I hope I'm not disappointed (as I'm a fanatical bong smoker, I also feel that a vape may not 'cure' my smoking appetite if that makes any sense) really hoping to put an end to my smoking habits (daily smoker) so no offense meerkat if I don't get a pipe aye? :(





Edit: Oh and another thing I wanted to add to this post. I think when you're smoking cones there's another element of the high that gets included and that would be from the actual burning + butane gas (think it adds another dimension to the overall stonage) but with vaporising... you don't get the whole butane + burning (as well as tars and other gases that are released as a by product of burning) so I think that would explain why some people are not satisfied with vaporising and go back to smoking bongs. That, and the fact that there's el-crapo vapes out there that don't get the job done either way :peace:

Edited by Amnesiac
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Yeah, the digital readout on the vriptech is very nice. I think it wouldnt be too hard for the volcano engineeers to add one to just above the dial and it would increase the value and useablity of the machine, not that its not great already ! I had a freind tha had one of those infra red thermometors that you would just point it at something and it shoots out a beam and tells you the temp of whatever the beam hits and thats how we figured out that 5-6 was perfect for vaping
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