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Volcano Vapourizer

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Guest niall

Depends what you mean by side-effects improv. The Volcano won't create smoke apparently, so use whatever temperature you prefer. The higher the temp the more cannabinoids will be vaped, but most people have said they back right off and settle for a medium temperature for the best flavour and consistency.


With the Volcano you can fill the chamber quite a bit, so you're going to get very potent hits. I'd fill it with more herb rather than raise the temperature, but I don't own one I'm just going on what others have said. Try it and see what you prefer basically, you might want to start high if you're used to smoke and then back off over time to see if you prefer the flavour or a lighter consistency. Vapour tends to catch in your throat if it's strong, but it's all personal preference in the end.

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I haven't used the volcano but with other vapourisers I found the higher the temp the stronger the hit. You should also bear in mind no one has actually done any extensive testing to demonstrate that thc vapour is not harmful. So even at the coolest temps it may still be causing damage. So really whatever works for you is the go. I currently use an aromazap and have learned to control the temp through the strength of the toke and using the fresh air hole in the stem. I generally try and make it burn as hot as possible.


and to the mummies boys who say if you see smoke it ain't vapourisation that may be true, kinda, but the little bit of smoke you sometimes get is a much milder form of smoke than you get from any pipe. I'd prefer a little smoke with a full hit rather than no smoke with a weak hit.


If you are a hard core bong smoker, chances are you'll have that temp dialled to the max before long, cause thats more like what you're used to.

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What they say about the vapour is that it shouldnt smoke.

I have one of those cheap and nasty hotplate types.

I tried smoking it before it smoked and it didnt even get me high, I have to wait until its in a smoke form.

TO me it gives it a horrible taste and doesnt really get you stoned, Its more like the buzz from eating weed.


After I have used the vape, it always leaves almost all of the plant matter behind. so your not inhaling much of the plant material, or ash like you would in a joint.


I like the bong the best though, its easy to use, faster, and the water seems to filter out alot of the crap.

I use a wire mesh in the cone too and that stops alot of the plant matter.


Even that video on pot tv showed the volcano smoking.

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If you are a hard core bong smoker, chances are you'll have that temp dialled to the max before long, cause thats more like what you're used to.


That's certainly the case for me with my Vriptech... I definitely like a thicker vapour with a bit of smoke in it. I also have the AromaZap but it just does NOT hit hard enough for me so the wife uses it at work. :o


It does make a difference though. In the little over a year that I've been using the Vriptech 80-90% of the time I have noticed a DRAMATIC difference in the health of my lungs. I can't say if everyone will have the same experience but for me (a very heavy user) it literally gave me new breath to be more active than I was.

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Hey ShaftReturns(and, in particular, anyone with a Volcano) what's the temperature range on your Vriptech and on what setting do you vapourize? It's my understanding that the ideal temperature range for vapourizing is between 180-202 degrees C (347-392 degrees F ). Presumably, the lower the temp setting, the lighter(and more flavorful) the hit and conversely, the higher the setting the more intense(and less flavorful) the hit. The Volcano exceeds 202 degrees C -- does that mean that at even higher temperatures the hit will be even more intense(herb cannot combust in the Volcano) or does the law of diminishing returns apply?
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Guest niall

Only the first carcinogens start to appear at about 200degC, and they increase from there along with tar and other by-products. There are many known carcinogens present in cannabis smoke. So slightly smoky vapour is, if anything, only containing a small percentage of shite. I don't mind a smoky hit now and then if I'm after something more potent, but the taste is utterly ruined.


On the Vrip I use about 180-190, the Valloon about 170-180. 190 is my max, 200 is just too smoky for my taste, and on a heat gun 190 is anywhere from 185 to 195, give or take.

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Hey niall, no free rides then,huh? If I want a serious hit(200+) then I WILL be introducing known carcinogens. I'm hoping that your suggestion-- use more herb, turn the temp down -- will result in the best of both worlds: great flavour along with greater cannabinoid delivery. I'll have to seriously investigate. This evening.
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Hiya all i got my volcano today :o but darn stamp duty and gst getting it into OZ is $150 stupid government. I have been using it on 7-8 setting have had dense but not thick bags i vaped same chamber 3 times and am off my head :o allso coughed like a bastard tho. Well no more bongs for mr hopefully.
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Hey Shivan, I also own a Volcano(bitch about that extra $150.) and I find that my max setting is just under 7 -- which happens to be just below the temp that tar and carcinogens begin to be introduced. Still a very small % compared to smoking but, as niall suggested, by adding more herb and turning down the temp you CAN have the best of both world. Flavor and potency. I verified niall's notion last night with friends -- used more herb and turned down the temp to just over 6. Nice taste and a whack that didn't leave me(or any of my cohorts) wanting. Of course you'll go through your stash a little more quickly but for me, especially considering my many years of smoking, a no-brainer trade-off.
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