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How to avoid whopper plants.

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Hello Oz Stoners !

This is my first post here , I'll try to be to the point.

I'm growing in the Nortern hemisphere at 48 Latitude,outdoors,very close to the sea.The patch is three years in the same place,in full sun,big holes full of potting mix ,seaweed and dynamic lifter,irrigated from the house.

The strain is 100% Indica,so usually they should'nt get too tall,but I've got neighbours very close so a 2m plant is way too tall.

I think training is the ideal method of keeping a plant low ,but because of the neighbours I can't visit my girls often,they're already amongst 75cm tall grass and I will top them at the 4th node.

So ,I asked my Dad to send over some Bonza Bud,and R and D sent it over,without the dosage rates leaflet!

I've tried contacting them but they don't answer my e-mails etc.

Can someone who has experience with Bonza Bud give me some advice on when to apply and how much?

Here's to paranoia free growing !!!


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2ml/litre for extremely stetched out plants, or 1ml/litre for normal plants to be sortened slightly


Bonza bud creates the same effect as ‘tipping’ a plant without removing the top growth, which would eventually produce much more branches and flower/fruit points


It blocks the hormone that causes a plant to grow taller, and instead of growing , say 5cm and producing a branch it will produce less, maybe 2-3 cm thus making a plant shorter


A shorter plant has more even light from top to bottom and thus increases yield on lower branches


Bonza Bud encourages more side growth and these branches will produce extra fruiting/flowering points per plant also increasing yeilds


50ml $25 use at 2ml/litre for extremely stetched out plants, or 1ml/litre for normal plants to be sortened slightly


Respray to improve effect as desired or every 4 weeks.


Spray over plants until liquid runs off.


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Just cut off what gets in the way , people think if you cut of tops early they loose out in the end , thats not right because the energy just gets put into whats left , the over all weigh up works out the same especially with out doors stuff , I have had some tipped at different times , big colas cut in half etc alongside stuff that wasnt touched , overall yeild was the same , if anything the cut plants gave a little more .


A plant is like a light sponge that just converts and pushes energy outwards via branching , you cut a branch off and the energy it used now goes into the others .

The bottom line is the weight in the end !



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