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stealth grow - need quiet exhaust fans.

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hey all


im growing in half a cupboard.. and im going to buy a 250w light, and i want to use some 125mm fans <-- basically the same as computer fans right ?


i need to knoow if there quiet, as i need the quietest fan ever..


i want to run the fan 24/7 and i need somthing small and quiet..


thanks all


Hi guy,


Only way is too use larger fans running slower = less noise.

You could also setup a baffle box with vertical plates inside covered with dense sound foam - works brilliantly.

Side benefits are no light escapes and have quiet air vent system (remember to use flywire on entrance/exit (stop insects)


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That's good advice, a larger fan running slower with a fan speed controller, (don't even think about using a dimmer switch and wiring it up yourself, it's not that simple) will run quieter.


Inline or centrifugal fans can also be boxed up and the space surrounding them filled with insulation material. There is also acoustic ducting which can reduce the sound coming from your exhaust lines quite a bit.


Make sure you get decent fans too, ones which are designed for continous use. The money you spend now on better equipment will save your arse in the future.


Also, you should take into account smell, and get yourself at the very least a fan capable of running a small filter like a 150mmx300mm. Only better inline and centrifugal fans are effective with these filters, and one of the biggest risks for detection is that glorious scent. So yeah, get a bigger fan, a good fan speed controller and make sure it can be used with a carbon filter. :o


Hope that helps.

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larger fan and running it at a slower speed


from my experience with computer mods and quiet systems this is by far the best way to go.


i would recomend using two or more 120mm fans running at about half speed. one way i have done it in the past on a grow box was with a 6 volt powersupply/plugpack and two 12 volt dc fans all can be picked up from somewhere like jaycar or altronics, ummm yeah and wiring the fans in parrellell. so the fans will run at a reduced speed. cas of the reduced voltage. also because it is low volts (provided you dont open up the powersupply) you dont risk the shock factor as high.


mounting the fans it is best to have an "intake" and an "exhaust" to get less turbulence. turbulence causes noise. do not put in a grill directly over the fan unless wire over the fans you will be better off to stop light coming in build a folded baffel. or using a peice of ducting.


also silicone or rubber grommets can be used when mounting to reduce vibration.


computer stores sell a variety of fan speed controollers also and 12 volt powersupplys are relitivly cheap so the variable speed option is there also. like i said jaycar or similar electronics stores should be ablr to help you out.



::modding is a lifestyle not something to make you look cool ::


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