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Headspace Australian Cannabis Culture - NEW MAG!

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why doesnt a mod download the image, black out the ads that havent been paid for and then replace the pic :blink: i think its only fair that us stoners atleast have an idea of what to look out for when it comes to our first cannabis mag...


i really do like the idea of keeping it email based :smoke its helps the enviroment, people in QLD cant get busted for it and it could reduce costs associated with producing the magazine by heaps lol but $5 + postage is cheap as and i will be placing an order closer to payday :smoke

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why doesnt a mod download the image, black out the ads that havent been paid for and then replace the pic
That is something that would have to be done by generic_hippie himself as it is his artwork, we just stick to the guidelines which Pure has already waived to a large degree to give the magazine (which is sponsored by another site) free advertising a boost for its release, we all hope to be seeing such magazines available from the local newsagents one day and that will not happen if such a thing is suppressed and kept out of the public view, otherwise I would have removed the advertisement as soon as it appeared instead of requesting that it be edited by the advertiser. We also have to look after our current sponsors (who cannot market their product directly through OS as we are letting g_h do) that contribute towards keeping Oz Stoners on the net, an expensive exercise in itself hence the Oz Stoners shop and a few other fund raising ideas that should be released soon.



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it isn't our job to edit your pictures


If generic hippie would lik ito post a copy with the aderisers blcked out that is completely fine


email mags are great but one problem you get with email mags is that it is harder for generic hippie to controll, one subscriber passes it to a non subscriber than that person passes it on to a few other non subscribers and in turn fro each one the mag looses out on potentiual money. the email mag thing works great for free publicatiosn , as it really gets you out there to the peopel that want it conviently and free , but imo this won't work so well in a printed publication situation


one way around it if I may make an input woudl be to have a static page that had current and past month issues to read online it is easy enough to make it so people can't download or save any of the info and you can have a membership system for your subscribers , so each time they went they would be required to enter an access username and password ( you could easly tie the times they are subscribed to the issues allowed to be previewed aswell )

mabey make it as a seccond option for the peopel who subscribe to the printed issues , Or even as a cheaper subscription option which means they can get it online to read but can't download or get a properly printed version


the option of being online with your publicatiuon is a great idea imo but how you go about it has to be thought about , unless your not one who worries if thier stuff it passed around freely


If you want more details on how you could go abotu what I meantioned just let me know and I can explain it in more detail

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I understand your viewpoint, and the emotion so obvious in mine is becaue of the mountains of hardwork that went into the cover and everything behind it.


Just a little pre-release defensiveness I guess.


Unfortunately in my beloved Australia, freedom of speech is not a right, it is a privilege allowed to a minority as the government's program of cultural distillation proceeds at full pace.


"If you do not agree with our vision for Australia we can and will deem you a criminal."


Although the name m u l l u p is quite prevalent on the front page, it isn't close to half of it ferengi. I know because I built the page.


I seriously doubt that allowing the image to remain intact would have had an adverse affect on oz stoners in any way, but that's just MHO.


Look, I'm not interested in a slanging match about this, I've got more important issues on my mind. Website construction, press releases, painting our Mardi Grass parade banner, etc etc.


You changed the pic, no biggie. No such thing as bad publicity. Just interesting is all, human nature, altruism, capatilism, the world continues to turn.


Unfortunately, removing the advertising logo would serve no purpose other than to display commercialism as the preferred behaviour to humanity.

Edited by generic_hippie
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Hey GH dont want 2 rain on ya parade bro, but i think the feds will shut your arse down so quick your head will be spinning.


you can't even get HighTimes or ICGM mag into the country let alone publish one in Australia.


Just think what Big Johnny H is going to think when he finds out that a mag published in ozzie land has got ads to sell cannabis seeds in it.


anyways all the best bro.



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Hey GH dont want 2 rain on ya parade bro, but i think the feds will shut your arse down so quick your head will be spinning.



Mate, last time one of our team had a run in with the feds, they sent him across the road to roll the worlds biggest joint on the front lawn of parliament house in Canberra.


Although it came in at a bit over 14 metres we couldn't get enough suction on the cunt to light it.


Some one has to stand up to the bullies Jack Frost, I see you're not into mate...

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wrong GH - i will be one of the first 2 apply 4 subscription, and i love reading about australian cannabis scene, especially in a mag u can read (not a computer screen).


But u can never ever beat the goverment - if ya mag gets 2 much attention it will get shut down , simple as that - advice - get yourself a good QC, and get ready for a fight in court.




I also knew the guy who tried to import ICGM mag into Australia as a wholesaler, they also stopped him.


I still get both mags - but a subscribe to them directly and have them posted to a mates place. - but i hate giving out Visa numbers and details 2 overseas operators.


Im also very well known around alot a hydro/head shops around NSW, where I could spread the word for ya, if the mag is good - im pretty sure shops like this would buy your mag, at wholesale prices.


Anyhow all the best mate - and keep safe, because u wont be making a very big argument behind bars.


PS:- I think $5 is way 2 cheap, personally I would rather have a bigger/better mag and pay $12-15 dollars, maybe $5 for a downloadable PDF.




Edited by Pure
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