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Headspace Australian Cannabis Culture - NEW MAG!

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I do try really hard not to give off the impression that I am not prepared for and indeed looking forward to a fight with the government over this issue.


We will prevail jack, simply because we are hurting nobody and are not ashamed of who we are, nor our choices.


I know not how old you are jack, but there was a time in this country in the not too distant past when being aboriginal, or a woman, or even a homosexual meant you were subjected to the same sort of restrictions on your citizenship as cannabis users are now.


It took some seriously brave individuals to fight for those rights which are now taken for granted. Gay, so what. Woman my equal. Aboriginal CULTURE is now respected worldwide and has been legitimised.


Mate, if you're into standing up to bullies, why then do you get the mags shipped to your mates house? I hear the words, but they aren't matching the actions.


We think we have a realistic view and see your fear-mongering as defeatist.

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Getting busted isnt my idea of helping anyone, and it sure as hell doesnt help to legalise the weed.

What goods is a person thats locked up behind bars, after standing up for themselves and being bashed and thrown in a cell??


I understand where your going GH and I agree, however the real world doesnt work like that.

My local cop wouldnt roll me a joint. All they would do is to Scare the fuck out of my kids, steal my property and wreck my house.


If I had the mag sent to my grow address and it was picked up, then wouldnt that give them a reason to walk in and raid your ass. Especially since the content is Illegal.


And hows that helping MJ to get legalised.




No, IMO theres no point in being a cowboy and trying to take on the world.


We need to do this sorta thing in numbers mate. The mardigrass is a perfect place to begin with and everyone thats interested in standing up for yourselves should attend it.


I also reakon under the counter of hydroshops would be a good place to try and get the mag to.

I can talk to my local guy if ya want too.

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This post reflects my own personal evaluation and not that of the management of Oz Stoners or any of the moderators


Mate, if you're into standing up to bullies, why then do you get the mags shipped to your mates house? I hear the words, but they aren't matching the actions.


We think we have a realistic view and see your fear-mongering as defeatist.

Maybe you don't mind being arrested and locked up g_h but many of us do, one thing you seem to be overlooking is that this is a site where we come to discuss grow techniques and have a bit of stoner discussion, it is not an activist site, we have better things to do than take on a government using such outdated and illegal methods that will risk putting us in gaol and losing our expensive grow setups, jobs and such.


The modern and legal way of getting things done now is to get you case on the political agenda, that is the way gay and lesbian rights were finally achieved in Tasmania and many other states, not by protests but by hard work in parliament, the protest era ended in the "80's, I was part of that and the new way of getting your voice heard for quite a few years.


You are about to start printing material the not only "promotes the use of an illicit substance" but is willing to advertise the sale of one as well (the seeds), you don't seem to care or realise that not only you but anyone associated with the production, sale or purchase of your magazine could also be open to investigation and openly deride one of our members for taking a few simple security precautions. A short talk with a solicitor may be a good idea before you go much further, just so you realise how many laws you are actually breaking and what the prospective penalties are.


I will not be risking my safe address for something that is so much of a risk to my personal security, however I still wish you well in your endeavour and hope that you get what you want out of it.



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Guest niall
I agree with Tom. It sounds like the magazine will be breaking several laws and they will come down on you like a ton of prohibitionist bricks. Find yourself a good lawyer before you distribute anything. If you keep it legal, then they cannot stop you and your message will be heard.
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Maybe you don't mind being arrested and locked up g_h but many of us do, one thing you seem to be overlooking is that this is a site where we come to discuss grow techniques and have a bit of stoner discussion, it is not an activist site


Sorry to argue with you on this Tom, but I don't see why a site such as OzStoners (supposedly "Uniting Australia's Cannabis Culture") could not cover pot activism.


Especially, as well, considering someone recently started up an activist topic - "What Can I Do?" - and was given helpful information rather than criticised.


I do try really hard not to give off the impression that I am not prepared for and indeed looking forward to a fight with the government over this issue.


And it sounds like GH is very aware of what he's getting himself into, and good on him I say! The same motto I have for pot, as long as your not adversely affecting anyone else during your activities, it ain't no problem.


GH is only trying to start a magazine and help to end marijuana prohibition in Australia


And Generic_Hippie, I hope that your magazine will contain articles on how people can get more involved in legalization (i.e. what they can do to help). After all, as Ferengi420 said, it's Power in Numbers!!

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As I said, I hope he has success, I also hope he takes measures to protect those that support him from any reprisals by the law as he will be raided and his records seized. I also happen to agree with jackfrost's points, so I find the comment

and see your fear-mongering as defeatist.
rather insulting.



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Well, tom, I didn't mean for pointing out the similarities between warning me about potential dangers of my actions and government policy on cannabis to be insulting mate, I was going for the same patronising tone showed to me in comments like;

A short talk with a solicitor may be a good idea before you go much further, just so you realise how many laws you are actually breaking and what the prospective penalties are.


You don't get it Tom. The penalties are irrelevant when compared to the benefits.


Just because something has been legislated and on the surface is what the masses have been told they want, doesn't make it right.


Case in point; Pauline Hanson and Australia's immigration policy.


Sure she got locked up. Sure she got portrayed in the media as a fuckwit. Sure, it nearly made the woman break down on more than one occasion.


Are you aware of the change in immigration policy that happened as a direct result of this woman standing up and declaring openly her xenophobic tendancies?


Once the voting power behind Australia's historical white australia policy was uncovered there was no stopping the prostitute politicians jumping on board and carrying on as though they'd been gaurding our borders with their very own guns.


Is anything going click there for you yet?


I appreciate the interest shown by people here at Oz Stoners in this topic, but really, I feel as though I've been judged a criminal by the nay-sayers who are to scared, disinterested, or plain fuckin lazy to stand up and do something.


The comment I've heard the most from other people all over the place is; "You ought to..."


My answer is becoming standard, "If you aren't prepared to do it yourself, then shut the fuck up because I'm doing this for me, my way."



Interesting to note that the idea I am going to jail or what ever popped up when seed advertising was mentioned.


I have accepted an advert from agung trading who make bongs which are illegal in nsw. Oh no, run and hide from the psychopath.

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I was going to edit that ^ post to ad this comment, but it wouldn't let me for some reason, (webmaster may want to check i out)


My darling wife took the liberty of pointing out to me this very morning that we haven't actually done anything wrong. Yet.


Now upon careful review of my thoughts and deeds, I'm inclined to agree with her.


We have not actively encouraged anybody to partake in cannabis, we haven't actually facilitated the breaking of any laws, nor actively encouraged anybody else to do so.


We have reported on a much maligned section of society, giving voice where there was none previously to views and opinions of the law.


We have pointed out the fiscal and social irresponsibility of continuing the attacks on our culture.


We have asked for change.


There seems to be the opinion here and elsewhere that, because we are going to be vocal, we will be breaking the law to more of a degree than we already are by not publicising our lifestyles.


I'd just like to point out the stupidity of this particular mindset.

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Hey GH


If ya want 2 make cannabis legal in this country do the same as Rodwall is doing and join a political party like the greens - you obviously have great passion 4 what your doing, but there is a difference between bravery and stupidity.


In a "recreational use" I dont think cannabis should be made legal as ive seen heaps of young people loose all interest in life when they abuse the drug, but from a medicial point of view, I 100% agree it should be made legal - no questions asked.


If you wont even take a little advice and go and see a lawyer about your actions, then I think your nothing but a lost fool. You live in this country mate, the same as the rest of us, and in this country there are certain rules you have 2 live by - if you choose 2 break those rules in full public view - you will be locked up - and believe me ozzies dont give a fuck about martyr.


On a personal level GH you really know how to burr everyone up and get everyone off side mate. You should listern to advice givern mate and get off ya high horse.



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Case in point; Pauline Hanson and Australia's immigration policy.


Sure she got locked up. Sure she got portrayed in the media as a fuckwit. Sure, it nearly made the woman break down on more than one occasion.

Err, I thought she got locked up for electoral fraud, not her policies.


A little of my history may help you to understand where I am coming from:


Protest era - Front line protestor and organiser at Jackies Marsh, the Smithton to Zeehan link road (road to nowhere), Hampshire woodchip mill, etc, etc, etc. Political times -founding member of both the Tasmanian and Australian Greens, electoral and campaign manager for both, office bearer with Tas Greens for many years, national delegate for the Tas Greens, etc, etc, etc.


I was not attempting to patronise you in any way whatsoever and if you want to get yourself locked up for your beliefs I can respect that, what I have a problem with is that you don't seem to respect the rights of others that don't want to be arrested and have their lives trashed by a criminal record, some of us have way too much to lose. The comments that members have made here were intended to be helpful, most of your replies have been quite insulting and you seem to be treating us as the enemy for some reason.


I also feel that it is time for this contentious topic to be closed.


Edited By Oz Stoner 04/05/05 (Link to new topic added) - Topic continued here (http://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners.com/index.php?showtopic=9350&hl=headspace)

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