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Bond for a drug user in jail bust

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A LAVINGTON woman who carried cannabis with her when visiting her father in Junee jail should have been sentenced to community service, a magistrate said in Albury Court yesterday.


But Mr Tony Murray said Kaylah Maree Millar was deemed unsuitable in a pre-sentence report for that order because of her drug problem.


Mr Murray said he regarded as serious offences involving people taking drugs into jails.


He said he would take into account Millars drug problem, convicted her and put her on a two-year bond.


She was ordered to attend counselling, courses or programs as directed, submit to urine analysis and was fined $400.


Millar, 18, of Glenelg Drive, sought to have a conviction for introducing a drug into a detention centre quashed.


She was convicted in her absence after failing to attend court last November but after hearing evidence Mr Murray refused the application.


Millar went to Junee jail with her mother and brother about 10.15am on October 16.


They drove into the car park and were searched by sniffer dogs.


A sniffer dog gave a positive indication in the vehicles boot and officers found cannabis wrapped in foil in a back pack.


Police were already at the scene speaking with other people and Millar was arrested.


She was interviewed and the drug weighed in her presence which had a total weight of 4.8g.


Millar said she knew it was an offence to have the cannabis and had intended using it that weekend.


Solicitor Ms Andrea Macdonald said Millar had unwittingly committed the offence of taking the drug to the jail.


She went to visit her father who was sentenced for assault.


Ms Macdonald said normally they stayed overnight at a motel where Millar would have left her back pack.


But they went straight to the jail and the cannabis was discovered in the back pack.


Ms Macdonald said Millar had to address her drug problem.


Author:The Border Mail

Date:Wed, Apr 13, 2005

Source:The Border Mail

Copyright:© The Border Mail and its respective contributors, 2000.



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