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Nutrient Problems with Pictures...

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For some reason, every time i find a decent nutrient problem solver, they dont have pics and when they do have images, they disapear after a week or 2 :( so now while i have one up, im downloading all the images, copying the text and making a copy for OzStoners so i hope you all find it helpfull or atleast an interesting read :smoke


OverGrow thread i got this all from


Considering most growers these days use 2 or 3 part nutrients, most of these problems shouldn't appear...more than likely the problem will be a pH imbalance which can result in the plant showing problems that you can easily confuse with with other problems or deficiences. So i found 2 pH charts that are very usefull and show the correct pH ranges for cannabis and what nutrients will be available at certain pH ranges :smoke



Improper pH can look like this

post-886-1112230344_thumb.jpg post-886-1112231080_thumb.jpg


But in some cases, the plants can be in all the correct ranges but still be dying, lacking in growth, etc. and if you dont know what your looking for and how to fix these problems, your entire crop can go to waste so i hope the following helps fellow growers and newbies alike :smoke





Nitrogen is a key Element in the production of Amino Acids, which are the building block of Proteins. Many plant hormones contain Nitrogen as well as Chlorophyll, DNA and RNA (Genetic materials), and a myriad of enzymes that help control and regulate growth. Nitrogen is the most mobile element.


Plants suffering from this deficiency are distinct in their pattern of yellowing. Yellowing starts on the older leaves and progresses upward, leaving the top parts of the plant green.

Notice that the large fan leaves are yellowing and turning purple-ish. from the bottom up.


Feeding with a high N fert will clear it up, like an emulsion of fish at 5-1-1.


NOTE: Leaves will turn pale green, then yellow evenly. There are no intervenial striping or yellow patches. Color is uniform over the entire leaf. Yellowing is expected during flushing, as the plant is using up all available internal nutrients...






Phosphorous deficiencies are distinct. Purple stems, leaf stems, leaf veins and stunted growth are a sure sign of a Phosphorous deficiency. Leaves will also tend to be smaller and dark green, and may or may not include necrotic patches. Bud size will be smaller and underdeveloped, as will the root mass.


Phosphorous is used for plant energy by being assimilated into molecules called Adenosine-tri-phosphate, or ATP. This molecule is necessary for any plant activity that requires energy such as root growth, flowering, respiration, and vegetative growth.


A good all-around fertilizer like Peter's 20-20-20 will clear this up.






Potassium deficiencies are identified by necrosis on the margins of larger fan leaves. Necrotic patches can be seen on the leaves as well. Leaves will eventually turn yellow, brown and die off. Most of the plants that show signs of a Potassium deficiency are going to be the tallest and best looking plants you have.


Potassium serves to aid in the process of photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, respiration, and is a key to sturdy stems and disease resistance. Having an adequate supply for the plant early in it’s life stage will keep your seedlings from falling over.


Again, feeding with a good all-around fertilizer will clear it up as well. You can also use wood ashes and water them into your soil to fix this. You'll need to replace your soil's holding capacity of Potassium, and have a surplus before it will become available to the roots again.




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A magnesium deficient plant is identified by intervenial chlorosis, necrosis, and eventually a lockout of plant nutrients. The problems starts at the bottom of the plants and works it’s way up.


Chlorophyll has the same structure as Hemoglobin, except that it has a magnesium atom in place of the Iron atom. Chlorophyll is how plants make sugars to feed the process of building ATP through the Krebs cycle.


Treating with an Epsom salts mix will clear this right up.






If you ever see this in your plants, then you can be assured that you have this deficiency. Look for yellowing starting from the top, and progressing down, including the veins of the leaves. Treat the same as a Mg deficiency.


Sulphur is an important element in the structures of amino acids and proteins, and is needed for normal plant respiration and metabolism of sugars and other compounds.






Calcium is an important co-enzyme in the production of fatty acids, cell membranes, and is necessary for normal mitosis/cell division. A Ca deficiency will stunt plant growth. Acidic soils may increase the risk of a Ca def. Treat with limestone.






This is a rare occurrence and is exemplified by small gray or necrotic patches on the growing shoots which eventually die.


Fixing this is done easily by applying a foliar spray of eyewash containing Boric Acid. That picture is not really the best IMO, but it shows a gray patch on a leaf that is indicative of what to look for. This will most likely occur in outdoor grows.






A copper deficiency is commonly mistaken for an over fertilization problem, but it is set apart by the growing tips dieing off first along with the crispy leaves. The new shoots will die from the tips and margins first, often going brown or even white before they die.


A foliar feeding with a commercial fungicide containing Copper (ie. Copper Sulphate) will clear it up, but the damaged leaves may never recover.






An Iron deficiency will mask a Magnesium deficiency. If you look at the newer growth, that will be where the plant exhibits the intervenial chlorosis typically differentiating it from a Magnesium deficiency.


Notice how the top of the plant is exhibiting intervenial chlorosis and the lower part is unaffected.






A Manganese deficiency exhibits a general chlorosis, followed by yellowing patches and necrotic patches between the veins of the larger fan leaves.






A Molybdenum deficient plant will exhibit yellowing necrotic leaves from the tips inward, with necrotic lesions present from the tips inward. A very distinctive feature is that it occurs in the middle of the plant. It also may spread to the rest of the plant if not stopped, eventually killing your plant.


Fritted Trace Elements may be added to your soil mix as you prepare it for planting. A good Hydroponic nutrient should contain ample micros to get your plant through its lifecycle.






A Zinc deficient plant is obvious from the wispy new growth with twisted leaflets at 90°. There is also intervenial chlorosis at the top of the plant that is commonly confused with an Iron deficiency.


Notice in this picture that the older grown leaves are relatively unaffected and healthy.


Over Fertilization



This is a very common problem that can be disguised as an improper pH, or light burning, as well as a myriad of other problems.


The first picture masks as over Nitrification, but notice how the entire leaf is curled under, not just the tip.


The second photo displays many problems associated with overferting, some of which could be a simple imbalance of pH and a certain nutrient/micro lockout at the given pH.


Over watering / lack of Dissolved Oxygen




Droopy leaves and lower leaf yellowing are indications of persistent over watering problems.


Over Nitrification




The following pictures show the “claw”: indicative of over Nitrification. Some growers loadup their plants with Nitrogen prior to flowering. This will prepare them for the stretch to follow, and will increase bud production if induced a few weeks prior to blooming the plant.


Radiant Heat



Radiant heat is also called “light burn”. Typically, topmost leaves will become pale green, then turn brown as the burn progresses. Plants on the outmost edge of the garden will remain a healthy dark green, with light burned plants directly underneath the reflectors in a circular pattern.



Well that took me about 45 mins to download then upload the pics again + to copy all the info out, etc...was well worth the time and effort :smoke

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use this in conjunction with that one.both work better combined .trust me.this one has bigger pics.each of them has a better pic or info on different deficiences.HEY WDC thats a big effort to retype that to help other peeps out .good on ya mate.


shit had to edit cause i forgot to post link.


now good night indoor.1 cone 2 many.

Edited by indooraussie
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