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ok im worried

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ok well as u probably already know, im growing white whino under a 400watt son-t agro hps light in a wardrobe using hydro coco as my medium, am also using aushydroplus's coco bloom for nutes as well as a drop of super thive and 1mL of mega bud plus a week...am following the directions on the bottles and keeping the pH of the water (after nutes are dissolved) at around 5.5-6.0...some days its higher than others but the pH tester always looks like piss when im testing so i know its in the right ball park lol


if u need more info, have a look at my grow diary, Wandrachronic's White Whrino Grow can either click that or the link in my sig.


now as for my problem, well i was reading pipeman's first grow and have also read various problem and disease pages relating to mj...havent really been able to work out what the problem is but im thinking its mould :P but hopefully im wrong and its just the leaves changing colour or something...in any case your gonna need some pics and im really sorry about the quality but i took over 20 pics and these 3 are the best i got :thumbdown




some of the leaves get small spots which then grow and turn a leaf totally yellow...then the tips start to die off and blade by blade, the leaf will eventually die...such is the case in the second pic i posted...


now for the problem im most concerned about, pics 1 and 3 show this off best but dont show it well :o basically some of the upper leaves are turning a purple/brown colour and are not looking healthy at all...mind you all the damage u see has started since i clipped the majority of the shitty looking stuff off the other day for fear it was mould :rolleyes:


from what i have read, mould is probably the worst thing you can get while growing, each spore can reproduce so quickly that in no time at all, i would lose my crop :thumbdown i seriously need to know what this problem is so i can either fix it or harvest before the buds become totalled by mould so if anyone out there can help me out, i would be forever gratefull and appriciative :yingyang


personally from everything i have read there are 2 problems i could be facing, probably a combination of both knowing my luck :thumbdown pH lockout and/or i have mould...if its pH related well im stumpted as to how it got so bad but it can be fixed, if its mould well i get really small immature smoke...either way im not impressed as i have had that many problems and its only my first grow :thumbdown on the bright side of thing, you learn from your mistakes (unless your fucked in the head) and come my second grow, it should go off without a hitch :lol:

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Hey wantdachronic,


I found some mould on one of my babies yesturday, it grows so fast too. I checked my girl on Friday night, and couldnt get to see her Saturday went and looked yesturday and mould had started, I ended up harvesting her and cut all the mould away, just now I am hoping the other girl doesnt get any, I am keeping a very close eye on her.

I didnt really see any mould on the leaves like yours tho, it was just all in the bud, I am probably going to have to right that plant off as it smells a little different, I supose I will just have to wait and see.

Sorry I havent got a theory on your problem hope it goes alright for you and it isnt mould

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damn im sorry to hear that :thumbdown


i dont really think its mould, i cant scrape the spots off so i think its a nute problem but since i know nothing, will hopefully get an informed reply from some1 who has lotsa experience with mj problems :rolleyes:


wish skywalker was around, he knew his shit like no-one else i have spoken to :thumbdown

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The blistering effect you have on the leaves is normally caused by excess nutrients, have you tried flushing them yet? I very much doubt that your problem is due to mould, as thatswho said mould usually attacks the flower heads and not the leaves at this stage of growth.



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theres no way that is mold but i dont no mutch about indoor growing but i no that mold starts at the bud.and it can reck your plant overnight but the leaf will still look healthy but the buts will be all mushy.so dont stress out to mutch good be somthing with nutrients.good luck buddy
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