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silika/budlink will only strengthen plants. If the prevailing conditions are crappy then it can't stop it, it can only mitigate it.


Microbial rocks. You can even prevent cocopeat breakdown with it apparently, although you'd lose the benefits of the trichoderma....


Still, good stuff, definitely advisable for mould or even sciarid.

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Good point Luke,


but silicon seems not only to increase the "mechanical" strength, but also the immunsystem and the resistance against stress in general. It is more a preventive thing, and a healthy plant is less subject to diseases and troubles.

Ferenghi, that exactly what i bought a few weeks ago, silikamajic. Commercial strength, not just made for pot growers (so they are less lickely to sell you the magical pill) and Jesus that stuff is concentrated! To reach 40ppm only 2ml per 10l, this bottle is gonna last longer than i am :), and not a bad deal for 60,-

same company produces Phytoff. Glad i didn't fall for pro-tekt, actually, i couldn't find it....





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Hi Mace :)

Being my first ever grow, I can't be to sure of the problem. The mould only affected the main crownie on only one plant. Cut the offending bud/s off (30cm long * 10cm thick :) ), and started drying the rest. I think that a combination of air flow, and spraying the plants for spider_mites to late in the flowering stage.

I managed to rid my girls of their nasty pests, but I fear this probably caused the onset of mould. glad I harvested when I did.


However not is all lost :thumbsup as I am now enjoying some fairly decent buds,

Sticky enough to stop my thumb from turning the lighter on (but I'm not complaining) Mould has been removed completely, and I am now attemping to regenerate.


Still waiting for my largest plant (8 weeks flowering and white hairs have just started to colour ).

Have definetly made mistakes, which makes the next crop even more apealing


take care all :smoke

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no worries, i'm a newby myself, was just wondering if the reason for the outbreak is still there.


But you nailed it already mate!


Hope your harvest turn out well and let us know how the smoke is.


All the best and enjoy your sticky thumb :)



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