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Help!!!! Picked today and right in the centre of the top bud is mold - white (looks like cobwebs) and in some places it has started to go brown - what can I do??? Do I have to throw the crop? Is it salvgable?? If i smoke it what will happen?

does anyone know anything about mold and the difference between FUNGI and MOLD???

The crown bud was larger than a beer can, but when cutting the individual buds off, white, brown and even purple web like matter was noticed. I have salvaged what I could, but am still concerned about smoking it.


This is my first ever crop, and I have definetly learnt many things already.

Dissapointed, as I managed to get rid of the spider mites, and now this has happened. :reallyexcited:

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i havent grown and got the white mold you speak of but I did pay for some a while back if you dry and cure it properly it should be ok, the worst mould is the blue type that is usually associated with the amonia smell from some bad bud, try to remove the white bits or any other susss bits, probably not good for you to smoke, with your own crop you'll smoke a lot more of it than if you bought a $50 bag, so it might be unhealthy, do you know what conditions lead to the mould?
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cut down all your large colas that have mould. Spray hole crop with microbial best stuff ever to kill mould - you can even spray your plants with it. Spray all the walls ceilings with microbial.


They will usually start mold in the centre of buds work out to the edge. Cut down main cola and let bottom branches grow out bigger (trying to get some yeild for ya).


You will notice some plants have a natural resistance to mould try and grow those strains when you first start.


I sometimes get fungi on top of rockwool cubes in the humid clone tray - just a couple a light spray's with micobial and problem fixed.


Just on a side note - I sprayed a loaf of bread lightly with micobial and placed inside plactic bag. Left it in cuboard for 4 weeks and still had no mould on bread. Very impressed with product.






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hey ya go f420...good shit bro,















With conventional horticultural practices i.e soil, most bacteria are beneficial to plants in terms of breaking down organic matter enabling the mineral elements contained within to be readily absorbed by the plant. In a hydroponic situation, these beneficials are not present, therefore the potential for problem airborne or soil borne micro-organisms attacking hydroponic crops is very high.


Even with a good preventative maintenance program in place, problems can still occur such as algae blooms, pythium outbreaks, mould and mildew attacks. These can occur because of p.h. shifts, lack of oxygen, poor environment control and imported organic materials transferred by growers from other sites. In an indoor hydroponic situation the above is even more prevalent as the grower effectively becomes mother nature, therefore the need for an effective preventative maintenance program is vital.


Microbial Is a wide-ranging aqueous solution derived in part from naturally occurring plant extracts. Microbial is non toxic to humans, animals and plants and is totally biodegradable and environmentally friendly.


Microbial acts as a micro-cleanser and plant conditioner, which cleans and rejuvenates plants. This allows the plant to naturally withstand attacks from common pests and biological contaminants like bacteria, fungi, algae and viruses. Microbial can either be applied directly onto the leaf surface or as a rootzone additive.


Before Microbial the only method of treating the above problems was by using heavy chemical sanitisers, fungicides and pesticides which in some cases do more harm than good, especially to crops that will eventually be consumed by humans.


The horticultural industry as a whole will benefit by the use of Microbial in their respective growing environments because then the use of pesticides, fungicides and other harmful chemicals can be reduced if not totally eliminated in turn reducing grower overheads and also benefiting the environment we live in as well.


Microbial will undoubtedly be the preferred method of overcoming plant related problems in the future and should be adopted by all growers in the horticultural industry as an integral part of the grower’s overall preventative maintenance program.


How to use Microbial



Microbial can be used as a rootzone or plant conditioner. When applied at the recommended dosage rates, Microbial will naturally aid plants to withstand attacks from most common pests as well as fungal and bacterial pathogen outbreaks, including fusarium, pythium, rhizoctonia, phytopthera, sclerotinia. When added directly to plant nutrient solutions, root zone health will be improved enabling the rootzone to uptake oxygen, nutrient and water at a much faster rate.


Tank dosing : Add 1ml to 2 litres of nutrient solution on a weekly basis or whenever solutions are replaced. Apply this rate for any additional water added to tank after initial dose. Continued use as a maintenance measure will assist the plant to keep most problems from developing at any stage of its growth.

For intense dosing of media systems to assist with rootzone problems, total saturation of the media weekly with a pre dosed tank mix of 1ml per litre would be advisable.

One application should be sufficient but daily dosing would be advisable until an improvement in the plants health has been observed.


Microbial when applied directly to foliage or stems rejuvenates the plant allowing it to naturally withstand many moulds, mildews and algae outbreaks. In tests to date Microbial has shown that it enhances plant health and improves immunity against botrytis, blight, fusarium, leaf mould, stem rot and powdery mildew.


Microbial when used as a general plant conditioner. Dilute 1 part Microbial to 5 parts water into a fine mist sprayer. Apply directly to all leaf and stem areas of the plant. Applications may be repeated once a week at this dosage rate as a preventative maintenance measure.


Microbial has shown to be an effective plant conditioner that improves plant health. Healthy plants often naturally withstand outbreaks of many common pests including fungus gnats, aphids, spider mite, and whitefly.


Points to be aware of when using Microbial.


Microbial is a great solution additive to improve the health of plants. Healthy plants are better equipped to discourage pest and fungal outbreaks as well as other bacterial pathogens. Be aware Microbial does not promote beneficial bacterial growth. If you are trying to promote beneficial bacteria growth this is probably not a desirable solution to use.


When dosing tanks with Microbial it may cause the solution to foam up initially, although this will dissipate over time and will not have any adverse effect on plants.

When applying Microbial with a fogger type applicator, be sure to wear a suitable respirator as the mist produced is so fine it may cause breathing problems.

Avoid contact with skin and eyes if contact occurs rinse with water.

It is important to note as plant varieties vary greatly it is recommended that growers test for plant sensitivity before applying product on a large scale.


The MICROBIAL product range is available in 1ltr, 5ltr bottles and 25ltr drums.


Carton quantities are 1ltr x 12 and 5ltr x 4.




Is Microbial safe to use?



Microbial is totally safe to use and is one of only a few products available today that can make the claim of being totally environmentally friendly.


Microbial contains an organic dispersant, a non-ionic surfactant, and a quaternary ammonium compound used as a preservative!

Microbial DOES NOT contain any of the following harmful chemicals unlike a lot of other horticulturally based pesticides and fungicides.


Microbial does not contain any:


TBT (Try Butyl Tin Oxide).

Sodium Hypochlorite.


Calcium Hypochlorite.


Sodium Hydroxide.


Petro Chemicals.


Or for that matter any other ingredients that may be poisonous or toxic to humans, animals or plant species.

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Thats going in my growroom tomorrow!!


thanks mate, it sounds awesome. and a definately safe thing that prevents and cures moulds.



I take it that its systemic and safe, from what I have seen nothing else has both of those qualities.

well the Neem I use does, but this stuff sounds even better.


A+ thanks for putting me on to this stuff mate.



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sorry mate for your trouble, you mind letting us know your conditions that lead to this outbreak?


Usually its a mix of high humidity (escpecially at night times), warm conditions, not enough airflow, very dense buds/colas, already stressed plants etc..... some additives like PCB, the stuff in super bud and other budswellers is known to create dense buds that are suspectible to mold.


Silicon (in form of potassium silicate) is known to work very well against mold and a lots of others probs with plants.


Good luck mate,



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