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clones after 12/12

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Aslong as they havent gone to head you should be alright.. If theres a few hairs showing it mght still take a few weeks to revert back to veg without preflowers but should still be alright.... You can usually revert clones upto 3 weeks 12/12 and seein your only usin fluro not hid's i dont think they will be that far into flower..

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Thx stonedas and Madoga.Thats what i wanted to hear.There's no visible signs of head yet.My main grow is a 400 hps scrog. I used to clone under a 400mh.But after reading lots of posts here about CF's I'm giving them a ago.I just didnt want to break the cycle i had going.



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Yes you can clone at 7 days, however there is a big but, it will take your plants longer to recover (biochemical switchover back to grow takes a lot of energy, usually roots are neeeded to supply) and you may well lose a few along the way so take extras. But it can be done.


1. when cutting the clone, make the cut underwater, this will stop air entering the stem (stopping an embolism in the plant). This will increase the survival rate of any clone considerably. Make sure the clone has no more than 3 internodes from the top set of leaves.


2. Bring the cutting up vertically out of the water so a drip forms on the end where the cut has been made and dip the stem into a rooting hormone (clonex) immidiately.


3. Place in pre-soked (overnight) rockwool cubes (shake out water first so they are damp but not 'wet'. water ph of 6.2-6.5. to a depth of 5-8 cm. (small slashes can be made on the sections of the stem being placed into the rockwool, this will provide several places to root from.


4. cut leaves to 'half size' (except top set) this will slow photosynthesis and conserve energy (needded for roots and biochemical change back to 'grow'.)


5. Place cubes on top of perlite tray (roots can grow out the bottom of the rockwool into the perlite and are easily transferred later, this stops the stunting/bonsai effect.)


6. place tray and cubes into a fully sealed humidicrib @ 23 C. Place lid over


7. Use duel fluros right over the top of the tray. (the best light I have found are the tropical spectrum fluros you get for fish tanks).


8. open one section of the humidicrib after 3 days, second in 5, third on 7th. Roots should be out the bottom of the cubes by tenth day (remeber it will take them a bit longer if they are switching back). Check once a day to make sure cubes are moist but not wet. Roots need oxygen to grow properly and being soaked with water will prevent this.


9. They may have a few weird leaves/formations to begin with as they switch back to grow, but they will get there, it just may take an extra week or two.


Good luck

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I have taken clones from fully flowering plants, using undercanopy growth, and using 18/6 lighting, and have been able to maintain a strain as a direct result of it.


It did take a heck of a long time to revert, about 3 weeks I think, but it's now a happy, strongly vegetating mother plant. :D


Of course, it's easier to take and revert clones early in the flowering process, but it goes to show that it's certainly not impossible, with a bit of time and patience, to take, root and mature cuttings from fully flowered, (10wks+) branches.


I would also like to say nice post to spock, but there was just one thing you forgot. Sterilisation of the media, humidicrib and any tools/water used for cuttings is important to prevent many air-borne spores from infecting the clones. ;) Bleach @ 10% does the trick, (wash it all off well afterwards with copious amounts of fresh water) as does pythoff @ 16ml/40L (double dose) and in a pinch, you could certainly do your pathogen load a lot of damage with oxyplus @4-6ml/10L. Obviously, don't spray the plants/cuttings with these mixtures, this is for humidicrib/room treatment, as well as keeping tools clean as well.


Good luck kat, nothing like cloning to make ya feel good. (when it all goes right of course... heh heh) :D You should only see minimal stalling from your clones if you take them now, but they will likely take longer to root and revert back to strong veg than the same branches would have a week ago. Might be a few more days, maybe a bit longer, depending on strain and all other factors.

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hey ya guys some excellent advice here,as ussual . I also agree with Spock for the reveg of cuttings from a flowering plant you are best to use 24/7 lighting for the first 7 to 10 days cfs might be fine but experience has shown that u are better to use a 400 or 600 hps as the balance of the light spectrum is much more suited to encouraging regrowth also if the cutting is a bit advanced into heading cut the top of the cutting leaving a few branch internodes, the ones below where u cut the tip off will be more likely to vegetate than head due to the amount of floral hormones it contains which stops the lower branches of the cuttings from growing so if the more headed parts are removed , so will the growth inhibiting hormones thus helping to encourage the regrowth, please exscuse the rough drawing its just to help give some idea


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