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hey everyone how ya doin. I went to lowes store and bought a spot gro light. Sylvanian 120v 120watt. i dont know if this is good for growing my little babies for a month or so just until it gets warm outside and i can transplant them. Does anyone know what type of bulb a spot gro bulb is? flourecent or what. is it ok for a month or so , thanks please someone let me know.
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hey everyone how ya doin. I went to lowes store and bought a spot gro light. Sylvanian 120v 120watt. i dont know if this is good for growing my little babies for a month or so just until it gets warm outside and i can transplant them. Does anyone know what type of bulb a spot gro bulb is? flourecent or what. is it ok for a month or so , thanks please someone let me know.


it might be ok for a seedling for a week or 2 but i wouldnt recommend using it for much longer...you would most likely get better results from a few fluros and definately get much better results with a hps lighting system...


dont mean to burst your bubble but unless your in another country, its starting to cool down in the land of oz B) summer is almost over, the cold breezes of an afternoon have just started coming in and before u know it, winter will be here along with the usual weed drought around that time :thumbdown strange really as thats just after most bush plants have been harvested but its always the case where i live :scratchin


if u live in an area where its really dry and mild during winter, u can raise the plants indoors under fluros or the light u bought untill they are like a foot tall then put them out....might only get 1-3 ounces a plant but thats better than nothing and if your lucky, they will vege past winter and into summer....as long as they dont hermi, u could expect massive yields then :thumbsup


my advice would be to buy decent lighting like a hps if your wanting to grow indoors and if your wanting to raise plants indoors then transplant them, do it under cool white fluros :D

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This is an Australian forum, so you may find some difficulty in comparing what's available here and what you have in the states... (sounds like you're from the states, from the 120v) Sounds like an incandescent, but I honestly have no idea. See if you can see the inside of the bulb. If it has a small filament inside it's an incandescent. If it has a more complex tube, it's likely a sort of HID.


If it's cheap, it's probably very little lumens for lots of watts, and likely incandescent too... The only lights suitable for growing indoors are Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, Fluoro tubes and compact fluoros, and in some specialised cases LED's. For the beginner, I'd suggest a 400w HPS Son-t-agro, these can be used for growing and flowering, and are a good amount of light for the cost. A small fluoro grow can be set up as well, but the HID lamps put out so much more lumens for the energy consumed, and are able to penetrate canopies much more effectively, giving better yeilds.


Hope that helps. A pic of the offending lamp may help as well...

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Yes, i live in michigan in the states im using the spot gro just until april when i can transplant out side for the summer. I think you were right it is a incadescent wich sucks.

but i hope i can get them ready for summer under the light. (its is in my snake cage)so i cant use a hps or anything like that plus i live with my parents. so i pretty much just wanted a light that i could start about 10 seedlings under until april,thats when the summer season starts here in michigan. another question i had is would i be ok if i just waited until april and started them outside in buckets from seeds? thanks for all the help.

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Your seedlings will likely grow long and lanky. If it's not too cold outdoors, (last frost) you can plant out seedlings in spring. Still, michigan is a bit cold neh? (if I know my geography... B)) So yeah, you may have to keep them indoors for a while before planting out.


It would be fine to start anytime from last frost to mid summer or so, although obviously the earlier the better for the plants, with the proviso the conditions aren't too cold. MJ is frost intolerant annual, and whilst it's quite hardy, temps need to be around 10+ to grow at any rate, and ideally 20+ minimum daytime temp. Just to start.


But yeah, you could do better IMO with a compact fluoro, just a 20w one (on the pack it usually says "the equivalent of a 100w incandescent") this would use less energy, provide more light to the plants in the critical wavelengths, (incandescents produce crap all light for energy consumed, and it's light of the wrong spectra for plants anyway) and you'd be able to transplant them out in spring/summer.


I would like to note that this is an R18+ site, just as you noted that you live with your parents.


Good luck.

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