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many links on medicinal marijuana



Older Americans Overwhelmingly Support Legalizing Medical Pot


AARP Survey Says December 22, 2004 - Washington, DC, USA


Washington, DC: Nearly 75 percent of those age 45 and older support the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, according to a national poll of 1,706 Americans conducted for the AARP.


Overall, 72 percent of respondents agreed with the statement, "Adults should be allowed to legally use marijuana for medical purposes if a physician recommends it." Support was highest among respondents who resided in the West (82 percent) and the Northeast (79 percent), regions where several statewide medical marijuana laws have previously been enacted.


The AARP survey results are similar to previous findings, including a CNN/Time Magazine survey which reported that 80 percent of Americans backed the legal use of medical cannabis.


The AARP is the largest US advocacy group for seniors. The organization has not taken a political position regarding the medicinal use of marijuana.


For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre or Paul Armentano of the NORML Foundation at (202) 483-5500. A complete summary of national and statewide medical marijuana polling data is available on NORML's website.


DL: http://norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6381


CN: NORML's Weekly News Bulletin -- December 22, 2004



Poll Shows Seniors Back Medical Marijuana



WASHINGTON (Dec. 18) - Nearly three-fourths of older Americans support legalizing marijuana for medical use, according to a poll done for the nation's largest advocacy group for seniors.

More than half of those questioned said they believe marijuana has medical benefits, while a larger majority agreed the drug is addictive.


AARP, with 35 million members, says it has no political position on medical marijuana and that its local branches have not chosen sides in the scores of state ballot initiatives on the issue in recent elections.


But with medical marijuana at the center of a Supreme Court case to be decided next year, and nearly a dozen states with medical marijuana laws on their books, AARP decided to study the issue. "The use of medical marijuana applies to many older Americans who may benefit from cannabis," said Ed Dwyer, an editor at AARP The Magazine, which will discuss medical marijuana in its March/April issue appearing in late January.


Among the 1,706 adults polled in AARP's random telephone survey in November, opinions varied along regional and generational lines and among the 30 percent of respondents who said they have smoked pot. AARP members represented 37 percent of respondents. Overall, 72 percent of respondents agreed "adults should be allowed to legally use marijuana for medical purposes if a physician recommends it." Those in the Northeast (79 percent) and West (82 percent) were more receptive to the idea than in the Midwest (67 percent) and Southwest (65 percent). In Southern states, 70 percent agreed with the statement.


Though 69 percent of those age 70 and older said they support legal medical marijuana use, less than half agreed it has medical benefits. Seventy percent of respondents age 45-49 said they believe in the medical benefits of pot, as did 59 percent of those in the 50-69 age group. And while 74 percent of all people surveyed said potis addictive, older respondents were more likely to think so: 83 percent of those 70 and older, compared with 61 percent of those aged 45-49. Generational lines also divided those who havesmoked pot: Just 8 percent of those 70 and older admitted having lit up, compared with 58 percent of the 45-49 group, 37 percent of those between 50 and 59 and 15 percent of the 60-69 set.


National polls in recent years have found majority support for allowing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Last month, the Supreme Court heard arguments over whether federal agents can pursue sick people who use homegrown marijuana with their doctors' permission and their states' approval. The Bush administration has argued that allowing medical marijuana in California would undermine federal drug control programs, and that pot grown for medical use could end up on the illegal market and cross state lines. The AARP poll of adults age 45 and older was conducted Nov. 10-21 by International Communications Research of Media, Pa. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.


Poll Examines Medical Marijuana Support



Canada Set To Authorize Prescription Use Of First-Ever Medical Cannabis Spray

December 22, 2004 - Ottawa, ON, Canada

Ottawa, Ontario: Health Canada has issued a "Qualifying Notice" for the approval of Sativex, an oral spray consisting of natural cannabis extracts, for the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Health Canada is expected to finalize marketing authorization for Sativex by early 2005. continued...





Canada Approves Cannabis Drug


GW Cannabis Drug on Path To Approval


CannabisNews Medical Marijuana Archives



Illinois Nursing Association Unanimously Backs Patient Access To Medicinal Cannabis

December 22, 2004 - Chicago, IL, USA

Chicago, IL: The Illinois Nursing Association (INA) supports the use of medical marijuana by qualified patients, and is calling upon Congress to reclassify cannabis so that doctors may prescribe it, according to a resolution passed unanimously by the organization earlier this month.


"It is the position of the Illinois Nurses Association to: Support the right of patients to have safe access to therapeutic cannabis under appropriate prescriber supervision; ... [to] support legislation to remove criminal penalties including arrest and imprisonment for bonafide patients and prescribers of therapeutic cannabis; [and to] support federal and state legislation to include cannabis classification as a Schedule III [non-prohibited] drug," the INA resolution states.


The INA is the thirteenth statewide nursing organization to endorse the legalization of medicinal cannabis for authorized patients. The American Nursing Association (ANA), which represents some 2.7 million Registered Nurses nationwide, overwhelmingly approved a similar resolution in favor of the therapeutic use of cannabis in 2003.

DL: http://norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6382


For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre or Paul Armentano

of the NORML Foundation at (202) 483-5500.

Full text of the INA's position paper:


"Providing Patients Access to Therapeutic Marijuana/Cannabis" is available online at http://www.illinoisnurses.org




Senior Home Care by DdC

Cannabis Caregivers

Ganjameds FARMaceuticals & Extractums



Patients Don't Need Politicians or COPs...Buzz Off by DdC



Modern Maturity Magazine


Ganjawarnews Archive: 8-26-4 http://tinyurl.com/4amrp

Illustrated: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/msg1x73293.shtml


Modern Maturity Magazine to have Medical Marijuana Feature in October Issue!

Dear ASA Friends- Did you know that the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons), with 30 million members, is the most powerful special interest group lobbying Congress? Are you a member? Or a self-identified elder? Do you use marijuana as medicine? If so, we need your help with the Elders' Patients Union (EPU).


Modern Maturity, the AARP magazine, is coming out with a special article on medical marijuana use by retirees in October!


This dovetails very well with ASA's action in Washington DC asking Health & Human Services (DHHS) to Reschedule Marijuana Oct 5. The day before, patients will be doing citizen lobbying with both elected officials AND advocacy organizations such as AARP.


I can imagine no more powerful picture than our elders out in droves....those who have watched marijuana prohibition increase over the last 30 years despite working towards sensible policies, as well as those who have surprised themselves by using marijuana for the first time as age-related conditions developed.


If you use marijuana to treat Parkinson's, Stroke, Alzheimer's, Chronic Pain, etc (or are a caregiver to those that do) please join the Elder's Patients Union today.


And if you don't want to join the EPU, but you would still like to join us in DC, please let us know that as well.


We will send every member of the EPU a copy of our new swank-looking 25 page booklet, " Medical Marijuana & Aging".


For all of you non-elders, or who don't particularly identify that way, we have a number of other condition-based patients' unions up and running. For more info on any, please contact Stacey Swimme, stacey@safeaccessnow.org, or by calling 510-486-8083.


To join the lists directly, see the following:

To join the Elders Patients' Union, send a blank email to



To join the HIV/AIDS Survivors Union, send a blank email to



To join the Multiple Sclerosis Patients' Union, write to



To join the Cancer Patients' Union, send a blank email to



To join the Chronic Pain Patients' Union, send a blank email to



To start one based on any other condition, contact Stacey Swimme, info@safeaccessnow.org, or calling 510-486-8083.


To see more about the HHS action, click on



Hope to see y'all in Washington DC!

Hilary McQuie Effective Action Consulting



Rodney.com http://www.rodney.com


Gone to Pot: Rodney Dangerfield, 81 finally gets a little respect

http://www.rollingstone.com/news/st...=6054693&pageid http://www.mapinc.org/ccnews/v04/n759/a10.html

Back at the table, Rodney lifts his big head and says, "You want to smoke a little shit? I don't know how good this is. I just got it. Decent shit costs you a minimum of $500 an ounce. As a kid I bought pot for $25 an ounce. An ounce! Oh, everything's insane. Oh, everything's wild!"


Ganjawarnews: R.I.P. Rodney 10-5-4



Comic Rodney Dangerfield Dies at Age 82

LOS ANGELES -- October 5, 2004

Rodney Dangerfield, the bug-eyed comic whose self-deprecating one-liners brought him stardom in clubs, television and movies and made his lament "I don't get no respect" a catchphrase, died Tuesday. He was 82.





Elderly Brothers Busted for Pot

PORT WASHINGTON, Wis. (AP) - Two brothers, ages 74 and 80, have been charged with running a large marijuana operation after agents confiscated more than half a million dollars in pot from their property. Agents found nearly 500 marijuana plants on David Burmesch's farm and seized almost 100 pounds of processed marijuana from sheds on the property. Attorney General James Doyle's office estimated the street value of the marijuana at $598,000.


``This is certainly the largest pot bust in Wisconsin this year,'' said Wisconsin Department of Justice spokesman Randy Romanski. David W. Burmesch, 74, and his brother, Eugene A. Burmesch, 80, were charged Friday in Ozaukee County Circuit Court. If convicted, they each face up to 30 years in prison.


David Burmesch told officers he had been growing marijuana for 20 to 25 years because he needed money to support a developmentally disabled son, according to a criminal complaint. David Burmesch's wife said neither she nor her husband wanted to talk to a reporter. Eugene Burmesch could not be reached for comment. They were ordered to appear Oct. 16 in court.


Man's Statements Will Be Allowed at Pot Trial



Brothers To Be Tried in Marijuana Case



Pot Grower, 75, Given Year in Jail

A 75-year-old marijuana farmer was sentenced to a year in the Ozaukee County Jail Tuesday by a judge who said he was trying to balance the needs of society against the fact that the man had never before been in trouble with the law.



Grandmother Escapes Jail



Grandma Says She Used Pot To Ease Pain



UK Grandmother Gets 18 Months Probation

A GRANDMOTHER who narrowly escaped jail for drinking cannabis tea

to ease her constant pain today insisted: "It should be legalised"



Granpa's Ganja Pad

Evan Keliher, author of Grandpa's Marijuana Handbook and a glaucoma patient since the early 60s, has used marijuana for thirty-five years to prevent further loss of sight and suffered no ill effects. Evan is convinced that marijuana is essentially harmless when used by responsible adults and he recommends its use for his fellow citizens as a preventative against the hazards of growing old. "They'll still grow old," he says, "but they won't care."





(Excerpted from Grandpa's Marijuana Handbook)


Your greatest risk of discovery is that you may react one way, a "normal" way, when straight and somewhat differently when stoned and sharp-eyed busybodies may spot it. Not to worry, though, this isn't a problem for anyone who reads this book.


The thing is, be high all the time. There. Isn't that an elegant solution? If you're high every time people see you, there'll never be any differences to note. A laid back, half-amused, half-bemused attitude will become your new persona, the only one the preacher, et al., will ever see.


People will remark about it.


"Oh, that Helen," they'll say, "she's always so laid back."


"Yes, and she wears that bemused look all the time, like she's got a secret but doesn't know what it is."


"You don't suppose she's on something?"


"Helen? Oh, my, no. She sings in the choir, you know."


Also, don't take a quick hit in a closed car while waiting for your friend to return with the pizza you're picking up.


The smoke hanging in clouds in the car will be a dead giveaway. Always frown and shake your head whenever marijuana is mentioned and say such things as, "I wonder where it will all end?" and "I'll tell you one thing, kids didn't muck about with this pot stuff when I was young!" to deceive people into thinking you're staunchly anti-marijuana.


If you score some pot from a Crip and you see the guy on the street, don't wave to him. Your friends will be suspicious if they see you high-fiving with guys wearing colors and jagged knife scars across their cheeks and will be sure to remark on it.


"Friend of yours?" Rhonda will say.


"What? Oh, no. That's just Jose. He's the gardener at my condo."


"Why isn't he at work?"


"Who? Jose? He must be on his break."


"Jose is a Crip, Tina."




"Yes, he is. See the colors? Why do you know Crips? Are you smoking pot?"


See? Rhonda will tell the whole world you're a pothead and you'll become such a social pariah you'll make the Elephant Man look like a dashing man-about-town. Et cetera.



War on Doctors


Elderly Inmates Swell Prisons, Driving Up Health Care Costs.



The War on Drugs Is a War on Doctors

Ron Paul on the federal assault on people in pain and their physicians.



The State vs. Doctors

Dr. Ron Paul's address to the graduating class at the University of Texas Medical School-Houston.






Congressman Ron Paul: Archives



If people let the government decide which foods they eat

and medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state

as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. Thomas Jefferson




Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.



Safe Use of Cannabis" by Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.



Drug Wars: Menace to America by Tod Mikuriya, M.D



Dr. Grinspoon: To Smoke Or Not To Smoke



Testimony of Lester Grinspoon MD

before the Crime Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee

U.S. House of Representatives October 1, 1997


Summary of the Statement by Lester Grinspoon, M.D.


Mr. Chairman and members of the subcommittee, I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you this morning to share my views on the use of marihuana as a medicine.


It has been well known for thousand of years that cannabis has medical uses. It is far safer than most medicines prescribed by doctors daily and often works for patients who cannot tolerate the side effects of other drugs. In many cases no other drug will do the job as safely or as well. Cannabis has never been demonstrated to have caused an overdose death. It does not disturb any physiological functions or damage any body organ when used in therapeutic doses. It produces little or no physical dependence or tolerance, and there is no evidence that medical use of cannabis has ever led to habitual use as an intoxicant. There are many ways in which marihuana can be used to reduce human suffering at small cost. Clinical experience suggests that it is helpful for patients with severe nausea and vomiting, arthritis, glaucoma, muscle spasms, premenstrual syndrome, seizure disorders, the AIDS weight loss syndrome, asthma, fibromyalgia, Tourette’s syndrome, and depression, to name a few. continued...



Rx Marijuana



Free Leonard Peltier



Willie Nelson

"I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?"



Coalition for Hemp Awareness: Willie Nelson Hemp





Marijuana: Good for The Brain



cannabinoids and Parkinson









Education NOT Incarceration!



Prenatal Cannabis Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica: An Ethnographic Study



Cannabis Blocks Irreversible Brain Damage



Cannabis prevents brain damage



Cannabis Shrinks Tumors: Government Knew in 74





Sci/Tech | Dope hope for stroke victims



Cannabis and Endocannabinoids*



Medical Cannabis Resource Center



Cannabis Prevents Seizures

A personal website dedicated to raising public awareness regarding the latest cannabis science. New findings suggest that the age-old botanical remedy cannabis is truly the best medicine available for sufferers of epilepsy and other seizure disorders. Several media accounts are reprinted here reporting the work of Dr. Aiden Hampson, Dr. Geoffrey Guy and UCSF researchers Ian Meng and Dr. Howard Fields.


Mirror several articles: http://www.cannabinoid.com/boards/msg6x2162.shtml




Ganja treatment of Multiple Sclerosis/Spasms, Pain



Schaffer Library Hemp/Marijuana Medical Information



Cannabidiol: The Wonder Drug of the 21st Century?



Brain Releases Marijuana-Like Substance In Response To Pain, Study Finds



Cannabis Less Harmful Than Aspirin, Says Scientist



Marijuana Ingredient Helps Mice Overcome Arthritis



73 groups for medical cannabis.



Feds Need One Million Joints


Patients Out of Time



Natural Help For Depression by Dr. Andrew Weil


The Master Key to Self Healing: Another option is to snack on toasted hemp seeds

(which, by the way, aren't psychoactive). You can order hemp seeds from The Ohio Hempery, (800) BUY-HEMP. http://www.hempery.com


Nutritious hemp oil is emerging as alternative to toxin-tainted fish. http://www.hemp.co.uk/html/mercury.html

New study finds mercury pollution is a serious health risk for those that eat fish. http://www.hempfood.com


Therapeutic Hemp Oil by Andrew Weil, M.D.



Why I Support Medical Marijuana, by Dr. Andrew Weil



Feds wage war on cancer patients, Dr. Andrew Weil Commentary





Hemp grain is the most nutritionally complete seed on the planet for human consumption. Each hemp seed contains 25% protein. This protein is more easily digestible than the protein in soybeans because it contains a perfect ratio of essential fatty acids (EFA's). EFA's are important for strengthening your immune system and protecting you from disease. Fish oil and flax oil are also high in EFA's, but hemp contains the most perfect ratio of EFA's for human consumption. Hemp grain is also high in iron and calcium and is an excellent source of dietary fiber


Hemp Food Association



Cannabis Hemp: The Invisible Prohibition Revealed



The Elkhorn Manifesto






The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer



Why they call it dope!






Hemp links



The Dairy Industry Gambit



Production of Heart Disease By Consumption of Meat and Dairy Products

The Meatrix http://www.themeatrix.com


Food Stamps Become a Weapon in the War on Drugs




Doctors Organization Scales Back Proposal










Drug War Zealots Pressure AARP To Kill MMJ Story


Posted by CN Staff on February 25, 2005 at 15:09:25 PT

Cannabis News

For Immediate Release

Source: Common Dreams


Washington -- At the beginning of February, AARP posted the findings of a poll they had commissioned on medical marijuana on their website. The poll found that 72% of older Americans (45 and over) support an adult's right to use medical marijuana with a physician's recommendation.


A December 18th Associated Press article discussing the poll mentioned that AARP The Magazine was scheduled to release an article about medical marijuana in its March/April issue. But when the March/April issue reached subscribers in late January, the article was conspicuously absent.


The editors had apparently pulled the article in response to malicious attacks by a "media watchdog" organization, Accuracy in Media, and a pressure campaign by fanatical anti-drug groups with a long history of engaging in malicious and dishonest attacks.


"We urge the editors of AARP The Magazine not to cave in to such attacks and to publish the medical marijuana article soon," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. -- http://www.drugpolicy.org/ "Ultimately this issue is not about medical marijuana but whether or not free and open discussion of issues that matter to AARP members will be censored and abandoned in the face of coarse attacks by disreputable forces."


The Drug Policy Alliance is encouraging its supporters (many of whom are also members of AARP), and all believers in freedom of the press, to send letters to AARP urging its leadership to stand firm.


Complete Title: Drug War Zealots Pressure AARP The Magazine to Kill Medical Marijuana Story; Latest Censorship Campaign Initiated After AARP-Commissioned Poll Finds 72% of Older Americans Support Medical Marijuana


Note: Supporters Rally in Defense of AARP's Freedom of the Press: "Don't Give in to Intimidation"


Contact: Drug Policy Alliance

Tony Newman, 646-335-5384

Elizabeth Méndez


Contact: aarpmagazine@aarp.org


Source: Common Dreams (ME)

Published: February 25, 2005

Copyright: 2005 Common Dreams

Contact: editor@commondreams.org

Website: http://www.commondreams.org/


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