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Plan for Anti Junkie Childhood Needle..

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Copy right the Advocate.com.au National News .Brisbane - A group of Queensland Nationals want the Federal Goverment to investigate giving an anti Junkie vaccination to children under 12 months old. The vaccination, being considerd by Brittish MPs would render the Children imunne to becoming smokers or drug users and would become part of the national measles mumps and rubella vaccination Program. delagates at this weekends Queensland Nationals Centeral Council meeting on the sunshine coast will debate a resolution calling for the investigation. Nationals member Ken Wilson who is taking the issue to the meeting, said yesterday he had the backing of his 90 strong western brisbane suburbs branch to push the proposal. Drugs are a scourge, mr wilson said yesterday . I feel very strongly about this and I,m inviting the Federal Goverment to Investigate it and if it proves worth while then do a vaccination program."' Federal Health Minister Tony Abbot is yet to be approached by the Nationals to Investigate, But a ministerial spokeswoman said the vaccine,((( was in the very early stages of development ))) Any drug offerd for sale in Australia must pass approvals by the Pharmacuticals Benifits Advisory Commite and Theraputics goods Administration before being Marketed for sale. Mr Abbotts spokeswoman said it was generaly not the federal Goverments role to compel drug manufactures or sponsers to register their drug for sale or listing on the PBS. Brittans Independant newspaper reported the proposed Childhood jab would block the Euphoria of drugs such as Cocaine and Heroin rendering their effects useless. :D :thumbdown
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I may be incorrect but i think i read about this blocking the ability to produce certain types of endophins or blocking the receptors.


Just what we need, a population of joyless drones. Go for it parents, let your kid be the first little cog in the machine.


Isn't life shitty enough without the powers that be taking away our recreation and medication?


If you can't control the masses take away their need to be free.

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what ever happened to free choice and free will?


i would never force my kids to take the injection, even if it was a fedral offence to not have my kids take it, i would rather end up in prison than see my kid turned into a drone who cannot enjoy the pleasures that life holds...


when u think about it, really life is pointles...we dont need the government taking away what little pleasure we have :thumbdown


from what i read, it makes smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol useless too....wont it be funny when those kids are like 18, on their P plates and have just had a case of beer to drink and get pulled over by the police...will they get done for a DUI or because of this injection, will they be let go?


If alcohol and tobacco are legal, how come they are trying to make these drugs immune to us? wont the tobacco and alcohol companies sue the government like crazy for introducing a drug like that?


IMO there are way too many problems for this injection to work....honestly i think its a great idea, but only if it was directed like crack and herion....but then again what about the current range of medicines at hospitals? alot of them eg. morphine would become totally useless :P this whole idea is fucked up :D

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Hey - 20% of the population in AUS are on anti-depressants anyway - I think vacuations are a con - they make you sick - and fuck your immune system up, ive done a alot of research on this - and all anti-depressants/vacuations do is make you more open for suggestion/control as your body/mind fight the shit they put in it.


All you got to do is go the doc - and tell him you feel abit sad and depressed - and he will hook you up with antidepressants - its just to easy - I have a lot friends on them and they totally fuck your mind - ie they dont cry anymore - just like a zombie they show no emotion to anythink anymore


Just look how rampard mental illness is in this free country- we are supposed to be the luckly ones.


At least living in Iraq you can see your emeny.


I think there is going to be bad times coming to this country in the near future, as technology advances and the powers that be wanting to have total control over peoples lives -we are treated just like a slave -


The fist step of a police state is to disarm the population (anti guns) - every other leader that has done this has taken there people into war (hitler,statlin,moa) and misery, why take guns off the good people, -think about it-. Unless they are planing a police state.


The next step is to make the population easy to minipulate by fucking there mind.


Ive said it before - a cashless police state is coming - where they track everyone on earth with a chip under the skin and everything that is bought is with a peice of plastic that can be tracked. - be warned do not where the mark off the beast.


I heard the are allready giving this anti addiction drug to kids in america - what right do they have fucking with little kids like that, most of the leader over there and here are pheophiles anyway.



Check out a website called gigaguys.com.au - very informative.




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what are they fuckign retards or something , they firstly can't lock out certain chemicals from your brain the reason for this is that drugs generally mimmic somthign already in you if they disrupt the production , or use of these then they are going to have a whole new group of problems , for example if they fuck with our seritonin , we will end up with a whoile new gerneration of depresssed angry people,


not only that but the "junkie " problem would re-emerge with different types of drugs in no time that are not effected by this treatment



I don't think that the scientists of the world will aprove of this and not because they like drugs eighter but because it just seems so dangerous in my mind, doctors openly admit that they really have next to no understanding of the complexicisity of our brains , how dare they think they can fuck with us in this way

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hell we have only recently been able to scan brains, what gives them the right to alter the chemical balance in there :thumbdown


as pur said, how dare they :angry:


personally i dont think meds should be given out so easily....i believe its more environment than it is mental, take for example if i run outter weed...sure im gonna stress for a cone and get depressed that i dont have any but in 30 mins when i leave to go down the street, i know that i'll more than likely be able to score some....if im unable to score any, i'll be shittet off, depressed and the works yet if i do get some, i'll be happy as....maybe i need anti-depressants for the time im not stoned off my head :P


the way i see it, emotions are what make us feel alive...who really wants to go through life without emotion? u would never know love, friendship, hate, any feelings at all....hell i think life is pointless now, wait untill the government gets its way and dopes up our new borns on meds like that :)


personally, i will die before something like this is ever given to a child of mine


lets just hope big bad tobacco companies kick up a stink about the future profits they'll lose because of that bullshit wonder drug and they get the plan scraped before a single kid is injected.....


its a persons RIGHT to choose to wether they want to do something or not...i choose to smoke weed instead of eating or even staying clear or it, i also choose to use my steak knifes to cut up my dinner but they can be used to kill a person and in extreme cases like 9/11, can be used to take over a plane and send it flying into a building....is the government gonna ban steak knifes because of that or are they going to give us all a anti-steak knife weilding drug :P


if law gets passed making it mandatory for all aussie kids to get this shot, im either leaving the country as soon as i were to find out my mrs was pregnant or i will just leave australia for a decent country like canada :D

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