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Will Justice Prevail

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F ound this in Fraser Coast Chronicle 14/12/02.


Premier's wife picked up for "Drink Driving".


Brisbane.-Qld premier Peter Beattie's WIFE Heather said yesterday she had been picked up for Drink Driving.

Mrs Beattie said through a Brisbane law firm she had recorded a Blood alcohol reading of O.059% on thursday night in a roadside breathtest.

The legal limit in Qld is 0.05%.


" I greatly regret what has happened.Although I hold no public office myself I recognise that I am in the public eye and this places great responsabilities on me"Mrs Beattie said.


"At the time, I firmly beleived that I was fit to drive.The fact that the test was positive is a lesson to me and a warning to others."


Mrs Beattie said she had enjoyed two glasses of wine with the Premier as they ate  a light snack Between 8.30 and 9.30 pm.


She said she had left home about 11.10pm to pick up one of her children,believing after nearly two hours she was clear to drive.


"I was aware I would be passing a site where police regularly stop drivers to breathalyse them,"she said.


She expected to be treated in the same manner as any other Queenslander who had recorded a positive breath test.


I was just wondering if she would have been SWABBED for DRUGS if the POLLIES introduced these DRACONIAN SWAB tests.


Also, if the fuzz conducted a search of her and her vehicle,by which seems to be the "NORMAL" procedure up here in QLD.


So let us all wait with BATED breath as to see what "JUSTICE"will be done,or will it get swept under the carpet FOR which it seems to a lot of us is the "NORM" for pollies and the leo's.

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Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 08:03:00 -0800

From: "D. Paul Stanford" <stanford@crrh.org>

Subject: 016 Canada: Toker defends driving


Newshawk: CMAP (http://www.mapinc.org/cmap)

Pubdate: Friday, December 13, 2002

Source: Ottawa Sun (CN ON)

Contact oped@ott.sunpub.com

Website: http://www.fyiottawa.com/ottsun.shtml

Author: Derek Abma


Toker defends driving


Says 'very rarely ... stoned' due to regular use


By DEREK ABMA, Ottawa Sun


 A possible precedent-setting trial of a man charged with driving impaired

on marijuana is about halfway done following a day of hearings yesterday.


Rick Reimer, a retired lawyer living in Wilno, Ont., southwest of Pembroke,

is charged even though he is legally permitted to smoke pot because of his

multiple sclerosis.


He was pulled over by the OPP last February. Police say his car crossed the

centre median and he was subsequently charged with impaired driving.


The Killaloe court heard testimony yesterday from the officer who stopped

Reimer and a toxicology expert.


What makes this case a difficult one is there is no established way for law

enforcement officials to determine if someone is impaired by marijuana, as a

breathalyzer does with alcohol intoxication.


Reimer smokes marijuana all day, every day. He said he smokes so much, he is

almost never impaired by it.


"Because I smoke regularly from morning until night every day, very, very

rarely (am I impaired)," he said. "And when I say rarely, I can think of one

time in the last decade when I had some marijuana that really got me, quote,

stoned, unquote -- where I felt really high." Reimer, who is representing

himself, said he can't say the general population should be permitted to

drive after smoking marijuana but does say pot's effect on driving is less

severe than alcohol's.


The next date in Reimer's trial is likely to be in February or March. He is

planning to testify.



Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 12:39:47 -0800

From: webmaster@drugsense.org (DrugSense)

Subject: 017 DrugSense Weekly, Dec. 13, 2002, #280

B) There's still a lot of reasearch to be done...



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Truely, whether she is pollies wife or not - 0.059 is such a low reading what a 'pig' to book her. Or anyone with that sort of reading. I used to work for Transport Dpt and some people would come in to get their licence back after being disqualified for months with that sort of recording. Fair enough with a 0.159 reading. I know you need a cut off point somewhere. But I just think "walking the straight line" should be bought in as well when it is borderline, so it can be determined HOW the reading effects the person. It just more money raking as far as I'm concerned.


Don't get me wrong I love it as much as anyone when one of the hyracky(?) gets done. B)

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