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temperature and lights

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I just brought some refelective film,that dropped the temperature in my room

buy 5 degree's.The film reflects 90% of the heat.So rather everything in the

room absorbing the heat,the heat is reflected and gets blown right out the exhaust

fan.It also reflects 95% of the light.But the most amazing thing is that it reflects

the signal from infrared cameras.It cost me $12 a metre by 1.25m.Its called

ADF Foil,and its from Holland.The hydro shop guy said its just arrived and is being sold already in some shops in Sydney.Its really good shit.

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Hey kite70 - good to hear from ya on ozstoners...


That is very interesting a relective foil that reflects infared camera -will be looking into this a bit more, it would be good to pre line room with that and then put plasterboard over it.


Have got a friend who has a infared camera and believe me they are fucking good, you can see everything - people walking around, HID lights stand out light dogs balls.


Does the foil create hot spots on your plants? Ive had this problem with refective mylar and found just plain flat white paint to be best.


The local police chopper has a IR camera on it that has a duel fuctions, one is to find plants out in the bush by the heat signature they give off and lastly (which i believe is a illegal search) fly over suburbs looking for grow op, I know for a fact that they do this, and a layer of film over the room that could fix this prob would be aweson.


PS> for those who put there grow ops underground, the new IR camera can detect them up to 3m down, have seen it with my own eyes, very impressive.



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in a way im glad my light blew.. now i have time to check out all this sort of shit.. may not be able to afford it buy hay.. the ideas are flowing and thats what really matters.. gota get me a pallet load of this stuff :thumbsup


Edeit: btw if you look hard enough you can pick it up for $7 pm lol

Edited by jjfto
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