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Police accused of harassing cannabis users

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Guest Eikel
Well, I'm sure as they struggle dialy with their addictions they are truly concerned that you find them so abhorrent.


Get your pointed Klan-like discriminatory head out of your blinkering arse-hole. Have a look around you.


I hope you never truly experience what it's like to become an addict Jack Frost, although you seem to already have the heartless attitude you have broadly accused every junkie of having quite well down pat...


Hippie, did you even read what Jack wrote?


I completely agree with his points, yes it's sad that people get addicted to Heroin.

Yes it sucks that the Cops are persecuting EVERYONE, not just the smack-dealers.


But hell, I believe in freedom, but not anarchy, what you seem to be a proponent of is anarchy. ALOT of the posters here do not live in "suburbia" and have made the personal choice to move out of the choke-hold of cities.


So get off your high "freedom" horse and come back down to reality mate - addiction to smack is a sad/bad thing, not something we should be "free" to do at the expense of our fellow-man.


- Just my 2c.

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Hey Hippie,


Well, I'm sure as they struggle dialy with their addictions they are truly concerned that you find them so abhorrent


its not that I care they use Heroin or not, its there personal choice. But when a junkie herion addict robs your house or beats up a old lady to get her purse- and they will if there addicted on the stuff. Then it becomes my problem, or as I said in my post the community problem in the area you live in.



Get your pointed Klan-like discriminatory head out of your blinkering arse-hole. Have a look around you.


Nimbin isn't about the pot.


Nimbin isn't about the smack.


Nimbin certainly isn't about the Byron Bay attitude that seems to be buying the place out in large numbers.


Nimbin is about freedom.


Freedom from persecution. Freedom from the hypocritical political correctness of life in a sheltered bubble. Freedom to experience and revell in our differences and similarities. Freedom to be what society has made you.


Freedom from the blandness of suburbia and it's profit driven hydroponic hysteria.



umm freedom = being a herion addict . Wake up hippie, and help clean up your own backyard, before you start paying out people for living in suburbia.

I went to Nimbin for a few days and all I seen was a heap of smacked out cunts trying to sell shit weed. I took my son to the public toilet and there needles everywhere. If this is your idea of utopia - you can have it. - would have much perfered to go to byron. IMHO



The whole north coast may have great weed a plenty, but it also has more than it's fair share of hypocritical cunts who judge others without taking the time to know them. Judging books by covers so to speak.


I agree mate - but what im trying to say is that when I went to Nimbin, I was shocked by how many people were on Herion --- you can not trust a herion addict -- they will rip off there own mother for the next fix, have lived in Redfern Sydney before, and have seen it with my own eyes. ----Ill usually give anyone the benefit of the dought, but you just carnt with Herion addicts, they have to dry out first, either in rehad or jail.



I hope you never truly experience what it's like to become an addict Jack Frost, although you seem to already have the heartless attitude you have broadly accused every junkie of having quite well down pat...


Your preaching to me bro, most of my family are/were addicts, mainly Meth. Ive seen first hand what it does. The only place that is good for these people is rehab or Jail ------> if they dont dry out, and kick the habit, they will endup turning your hole life into misery as they destroy there own.


Anyway hippie ---- im just giving my thoughts on what I thought of Nimbin when I went there ----its does not worry me in the slightest, what other people think of me for speaking my true feelings on the matter. I suppose the best way is to go there yourself and make up your own mind if your never been.




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I know what ya mean about shitty pot down there to Jack. its just shit hey?

I was appraoched by several people and as soon as I aksed what the strain was they went blank :D.


Some dickwad who thought he knew what he was talking about told me that his Afghan buds are the best sativas that you can buy??



The last time we went for a ride down there we took our own buds.


I would never take my kids anywhere near that place.


Theres nothing an addict would stop at to get another fix.

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Just fuckin' wow.


Thank you all so much for showing me the error of displaying empathy or compassion for my fellow man...


At no stage did I state freedom = being a heroin addict.


I actually thought I was implying almost the diametrically opposite when I said Nimbin isnt about the drugs. Silly me.


If you show-up in Nimbin expecting a mini-Amsterdam, or with any other pre-conceived notions of what freedom actually is, you will leave disappointed.


If you show up and spend less than a day in the town making no attempt to purchase quality cannabis from a knowledgable strain merchant other than dragging your jaded tourist arse along Cullen Street and expecting Australia's hardest working work-for-the-dole participants to offer you the best pot in town right from the street, again, you'll be sadly and completely disappointed as you rightly deserve to be.


Addiction by its very insidious nature removes all choice from the addict. Would you rather Nimbin rejected these suffering people so you can enjoy the aesthetics of alternative life without the reality of a failing society contrasting it so effectively? So they return to robbing your ever so pure suburban blandness?


I didn't think so.


I suggest the next time you visit Nimbin, you visit something other than junkie park, which, unfortunately is situated in the middle of the village and the home of the public toilet, but really, there is so much more to Nimbin than the scattering of addicts feeding their habit with cannabis tourist dollars...


If you cant find anything to look at, pm me just before you get to town, I'll show you around my Nimbin.

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Jack, prohibition leads to addiction developing untreated, and all the social problems it entails, not heroin, or any drug itself.


It's just a substance. It's how people deal with the supply of that substance, (prohibition) which creates the circumstances you refer to.


I'm with the hippie. :) (betraying my own "hippie heritage" there...)


Whether nimbin is a shitty town or a good town, it's one where there have been enough people willing to stand up and be counted. I don't see that happening anywhere else in oz.

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Hey Hippie,


ill take you up on that offer, I go to north coast quite alot ( at least 5-6 times a year).


The countryside around Nimbin is spectacular - some of the best ive seen in Australia - and i do understand people wanting to live a alternate lifestyle away from the current world system of things of big bussiness and corparate banks/goverment politics. - I really think it would be a much happier life.


I also understand that alot a pressure and stress is put onto people to conform to what society calls "the law" on how to live and work. --- this pressure is boiling over everywhere in Australia at the moment - just look at all the roits in Sydney of late. ---- the current system does not work. ------but what are the results of all this stress and pressure, alot is Herion/Crack/Meth addition.


Where do most of these people end up .... places like Nimbin or on the streets, I hear what you are saying.


But the vibe or feel of a town is really only the sum of the thoughts of the people there - now if lots of people have lots of very big problems and they all live around a small town - this makes for alot of negitive energy for that town. This is what I feel coming into Nimbin, i feel alot of people wanting change knowing that the politial system does not work.


I also think if people with the right positive attitude in Ninbim could sway and help all those that are vibrating at a lower frequency, then you would have your utopia, but if people dont learn to love one another (like it is at the moment) then your no better off then living in the middle of Redfern.


I think the drugs in nimbin have over-balaned the scales and needs to be restored to gain peace.






Edited by jackfrost
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