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light and air

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The optimum amount of light is 50w per square foot, to calculate your wattage requirements multiply square feet of grow space (L x W) by 50w eg: 8 sq ft x 50w = 400w. Your ventilation will depend a lot on the power of the fans too, if you are fitting them in the ceiling I would be tempted to have one above each table.



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G'day mate.


hats off to you mate - thats a fucking big flore room 7.3m x 6.6m. I recken you would need at least 20K light and as far air is concerned there is two ways to go about it.


First is two run a passive air in (from outside) with 2 large squirrel centrefugal type air out fans (about $400each) . I would not use inline fans as the squirrel type shit all over them for large areas with high heat- the decent (like the TDS fans) large inline fans are fucking noisey and still dont produce as much suck as the squirrel type.


The second way to go about it is to run a totally sealed room with A/C, Co2, humidifer and dehumidifer, this method costs alot more to set up and uses about double of the power but the yeild will be higher, maybe only small inline airout fan run for 1/2 hour aday to remove any toxins from the room (not neccessary IMO). To work out how many watts of A/C need in a room the easiest way is to keep the amount of lights watts the same ie. 20,000 watts of lights will need 2 10K A/C.


Just a bit of advice bro, I would fuck the trays off and go for a freedom bucket grow - heaps less work - heaps less plants and bigger yeild, if you get caught with 20 plants you most likely wont go to jail - but with the tray system if you get caught, you can kiss your arse goodbye.


PS:- yeild wise you want to pull at least 40-50 elbows every 12 weeks from a room that size.



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hats off to you mate - thats a fucking big flore room 7.3m x 6.6m. I recken you would need at least 20K light and as far air is concerned there is two ways to go about it.
He only needs to light the tables and 2 x 600w should just manage each one ok but 3 x 600w per table would really increase the yield, I misread the original post to be 3 tables and not 9 so yeah, that room is going to need much more than fans to keep it cool and the air fresh.


ozjim, you are planning a fairly large scale grow here but are asking some rather basic questions, are you sure you have the experience to manage a crop of this size and have you checked that the electrical circuits involved will handle such a load without setting the place on fire?



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thanks for ur reply's i dont think i made myself quite clear. Obviously on a room that size i will be using air con and the 600w are blow through's, the space is under ground so heat should not be a problem. i wanted to know (for natural c02 input woul 2x12" (yes) squirrel fans bring in enough fresh air? C02 from a bottle will come later. the electric is off the national grid so ...:-). i chose tables cos on a production line like this its cleaner (no dirt n stuff) each bud is indivisial and cropping can be done a lot quicker, each bud gets exactly the amount of light as the next one (no silly air buds on the lower stems) this is a flower room only so on a table we can flower as soon as root appear through 3" cubes........... so do you think 2 x 12" (squirrel) fans bring in enough air ? i'm also thinking three 6's per table now thanks.
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Mate if your using a airconditioner then you dont want your extration fans running as this defeats the point, as your cool air will be sucked out.


You either run a "sealed run" with A/C and bottled CO2 on infared OR you use extration fans relying on natral CO2 running all the time. In answer to your question, yes 2 large squirrel fans will remove the heat


But you got to chose one or the other.


If your going to setup a commerical grow I would chose a sealed room with A/C, why you may ask? Reason is because you can have total control of room temps and humidity.


You carnt have this with extraction fans as outside air changes more then 10% variable, which add stress to your plants, thus reducing yeilds.


Just because your growing underground 20K of light produces a shit lot of heat to get rid of


On a serious point though - SOG grows are a LOT of work - i mean 10 times the amount of work of other grows, and if you calculate the amount of plants you will have to have on hand with mums,cuttings,vegie growth and the flore room ----- anxious nights bro.


Hope this helps


PS - if your using aircooled hoods and bottled co2, be carefull 2 totally seal the units as the fuckers will suck out your co2.


PSS- freedom bucket grow never even looks at dirt - check out thread in "growroom design" under Krusty Grow



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