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Corby drug trial adjourned

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why the fuck would anyone snuggle weed into bali from australia - it does not add up- weed over there is everywhere and really cheap - drugs in general is really cheap overthere. - Why would anyone take weed from austrlaia where they can get AAA price and take it to bali and get almost nothing for it?


Sounds like she has been setup. Would'nt be very hard either if you think about it. allthough why the fuck did'nt ozzie airport security pick it up when going through the x-ray machine.



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:devilred: yea you'd think there is plenty of drugs in s-east asia , alas you try and score, it's as if the local people are to scared to deal it . They know the stiff penalties in place in their own country, we on the other hand think nothing of it .

personally i think she did it . they were premium hydro buds , you just don't come accross that over there , she has a sister who is married to an indonisian. she has also visited several times before . she would know the value of those buds to the aussie tourists and where to sell it . THE reason she did it and why people do it jackfrost is cash . you sell a fifty bag on kuta beach bali you got fifty dollas . cash . do you realise what fifty bucks gets you in bali ?

4.1 kilo probs buy you house\car . couple of years holiday .... plus the brother inlaw he would know people . perhaps it's been done before . who knows ?

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So much just don't add up. You really think the chick would risk a firing squad for a bit of cash or some decent cones? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Why won't the Indonesion authorities test where the pot was grown? Or for the fingerprints on the bag? First thing you'd think they'd do, yet they refuse to do so.

And even if she did sneak some pot in, does she really deserve to die for it? Is our government going to actually get off their arse and help this chick out? Hahaha, probably when it's too godamn late. Nice to know your country will look out for your arse if anything happens to you overseas. NOT.

It really shits me, the whole situation.

And another thing with the security.........Please explain how the hell she got it past the Australian authorities, with the security we have in place now? No way. I don't think she could've. Did you see how it was packaged? In a clear plastic bag FFS, which you could smell apparently. And shoved into a bodyboard bag. If you're going into a country carrying goods you know could get your arse executed..... wouldn't you try to hide it a bit better??

Man, the dogs they got in our airports now can smell you if you've just had a session FFS, from metres away. Somehow, I just don't think this chick did it.

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My thoughts and prayers are with her, I'm hoping like hell it works out for her too :yingyang

In regards to the airport security, it's one factor that makes me think she really was set-up. But yeah, it's a waiting game now, so I'll guess we'll have to wait and see what happens at her sentencing. It's going to cause big issues if the death penalty is handed down.

I for one will protest against it anyway.

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it pisses me off that aussie's just gave indo 5billion dollars to help with all the death over there cuased by the tidal wave, and this fuckwit small cock cunt of a cop over there wants to lay the full force of the law on her with a firing squad, what type of sick fucks as they anyway.


The fucking bali bombers have been let out and are walking around indo - and they killed hundreds of people - i think the tee-towl head extremist are the ones controling the country from the background - HOW THE FUCK DID THE BOMBER GET OUT OF JAIL FREE.


If they do kill her over a bit of plant material, i recken all aussies should boycott indo to teach there goverment a lesson - there ecomony NEEDS australia support or it will colapse - John Howard needs to step up to the bat and tell indo goverment if they kill her we will be removing our support to there country. - And australian people should go elsewhere for there holiday.




Edited by jackfrost
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wonder where her bodyboard is :scratchin


if i were PM, i would ask the indo govt. if killing an aussie over a bit of weed is worth 5 billion + all the tax breaks aust. is giving them....if she dies, i would strip all relief funding forever and say u stupid fucks, now u are really a 3rd world country and demand the full payment of every loan we have given them in full by the end of the month including interest :devilred:


maybe thats me just being mean but what they are doing to her is alot worse :thumbdown

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None of this is good.

She is not the first tourist to "innocently" transport drugs and get caught.

There were a number of Australians murdered by various SE Asian governments in the last twenty years.


Australia, too, locked up a half dozen Japanese who were tricked into carrying herion into Australia.


When travelling anywhere overseas lock up all your pockets with small padlocks.


Carrying an unlocked bagis asking for trouble.


I dont think that young woman realises that she is fighting for her life!


The Australian government should be trying to exert some pressure on the Indonesian government to get her a fair trial and hopefully save her life!

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I think she knows how serious it is, she looked trashed at the courthouse.

I still believe that she didnt have anything to do with it. lol

If our government spent half as long helping peoples lives instead of ruining them, it would be a better world. :devilred:

The weak assholes need to help that girl. If she is innocent then all she did was to travel to that country. the next thing ya know your in a jail waiting to die? Thats just fucked. :angry:

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