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Pre-schooler's dope gift

Guest Urbanhog

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Guest Urbanhog
The Daily Telegraph

Edition 1 - StateFRI 13 DEC 2002, Page 038


Pre-schooler's dope gift


WASHINGTON: The US Department of Social Services is investigating after a four-year-old girl gave her teacher a small bag of marijuana as a gift.


When Head Start Early Childhood Centre teacher Iris Galvez asked where she got the gift, the girl said "from her mummy,'' according to a police report.


The girl's 32-year-old mother said she did not have any drugs in the house and did not know where the girl might have found the marijuana, police said.


SOURCE: Daily Telegraph, NSW, Australia


heheh, this is funny.....


Urbanhog B)

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Guest Babybear
B) i saw that the other day , My thought was that mummy wanted to make sure her kid was well looked after byt the teacher hehe , What happen to the days of Bringing a *apple* for the teacher.. B) :mellow:
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