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Lighting help

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Hey ya'll im kinda new 2 ozstoners :wacko: and so far dis is an awsome site :reallyexcited: but i got a few questions about lighting like can anyone give me the info on Compact Fluros i think i no wat are but im not that sure, are they those light that say energy savers and do the 18 watts = 80 watts, also if they are, how many would i need in each stage of growth B) another thing is, do any of you know those funny big lights that are in the bathroom those one with four on every cornor that give off light and the hallogen light in the middle. do you think that i would be able 2 use that as a grow light:D thanxs :yingyang
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are they those light that say energy savers and do the 18 watts = 80 watts,
Yes, you can get 48w=250w CF's from Bunnings too.


how many would i need in each stage of growth
As many as you can fit in but it will take heaps to equal the grow power of a HID.


do any of you know those funny big lights that are in the bathroom those one with four on every cornor that give off light and the hallogen light in the middle. do you think that i would be able 2 use that as a grow light:D thanxs
No, both the halogen and the IR's are a waste of time and power.


Types of HID lights used for growing:


Metal Halide - mostly for veg stage.


High Pressure Sodium – mostly for flowering stage.


Horticultural - HPS/MH - veg and flower stages (Son-T-Agro, Son-T-Plus, Lucalox, Lucagrow, etc.).


It can cost a few dollars to set up properly growing indoors but it can pay to look at things in the term of ounces, for around the cost of two ounces you could build yourself a small grow room with a 430w Son-T (around $200) to power it, that little grow room should yield you between 7 and 10 ounces at harvest, after that you should never have to buy again.



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You can also get Spectrum 130w high output fluoro lamps, which put out about 12000 lumens. That's enough to manage a very small grow, but yeah, generally HID lamps, and mostly High Pressure Sodium HID's, are used, as these are intense enough for sun loving MJ.


You could do well to start out with a 400w hps unit, this would see you through veg and flowering nicely to start yourself off, and from that learning experience you can decide to either stay at that level, or move up to 600 or even 1000 w lamps. The 600w HPS is the most efficient lumen/watts rating, putting out 95000 - 105000 lumens to the 400w which puts out about 45000 - 55000 depending on the lamp.

Mind you, the 600w unit is also substantially hotter than a 400w unit too, which should always be taken into account. An air cooled shade can make a 600w lamp a growing god.


Hope that helps. And welcome to Oz Stoners.

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