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big bust reported on the news

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i saw the preview to the story too pipeman on the melbourne news last night but couldn't stick around to check out the whole story - had to get to training.


i just remember seeing them hauling these huge mj plants into a van or helicopter or something and i just started howling when i saw it all go bye-bye B)


(yeah you guessed it, i'm slightly OUT at the moment boo hoo....)


If anyone knows any more about it, let us know.

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Guest elefunk_delivers

Did they say which state the crop was found in..?

i seen the flick on the news.. the plants we fairly fukin big.. with street value of 2 grand per plant..

shit.. i so wish i found it b4 the cops did..


big ups to the green thumb...

much respect

Ele B)

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i seen the story but can't remember too much about it B) B) i do remember it was about $600k worth of mj not over the million mark i'm pretty sure.

i was nearly curled up in the fetal position when i seen the coppas shoving the erb into incinerators but, could see all the stem and particulate matter flying off in sparks etc, i also noticed that most of the plants were budless but not all and the guy shoving them into the fire looked pretty happy......

what i would give for that job.......

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